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The solider walks down the dimly lit halls of the New York Hydra base. He is no longer the feared Winter Soldier that everyone knows him by. He is once again Bucky Barnes. He doesn't remember anything he's done in that last two hours but he knows he's exhausted, worn out, and bruised.

He is escorted into the room. He knows what's going on, and he's terrified. The shocks that are sent through his brain hurt more and more each time they are given. He walks in, fists clench, only this time there is no machine.

There's a woman. Shorter than him by a good amount. She smiles at him and he returns a small one back. The people who brought him in here have left. It's just her and him. "What's your name?" She asks softly. He looks at her amazed, yet confused. "You...You don't know my name?" He was probably the most known yet unknown person in the world right now. "

"No, I know you're name. I want to know if you know you're name." She said at the same time as she did earlier. He looked at her. "James." He said looking at the ground. "James?" She asked. Her voice made him feel a different way. It wasn't with a harsh or demanding tone, but soft and gentle. "James Barnes." He said looking at her. Mainly her smile. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. His eyes darted to hers. They were the prettiest color he had ever seen.

"Well, James Barnes, I'm y/n y/l/n. I'm here to fix any damages you may have gained during your missions." She said with that beautiful smile. It was something he couldn't get over. He nodded and looked at himself. Slightly wincing as he turned. Her eyes soon glazed over with a worried look.

"Where does it hurt?" She asked. He placed a hand on his left side. She nodded and grasped the hem of his shirt. "Is it alright if I lift it?" She asked. James was perplexed as he was being asked. Before his top clothes would be forcefully removed. Mainly just to make sure his metal arm was okay. It seemed as though the rest of his body didn't matter.

James gave a nod and y/n lifted the hem of his shirt to reveal a bruise and some scrapes on his side. He then remembered falling in a road earlier. "I can't do much for the bruise but we should probably put something on those cuts." She said she walked off. For some reason he missed the feeling of her fingers on his skin. It was weird yet wonderful sensation.

When she returned she held stuff to clean his wound with. "This might sting, but it'll keep it clean." She said as she applied the medication to his side. He hissed a little bit, but it was nothing. She then patched it up with Band-Aids and considered it a job well done.

"How about your arm?" She asked. He looked at the metal limb and attempted to move it, only for his fingers to stay stagnant. She smiled and had him sit a chair while she wheeled over a cart. One that he had seen several times.

"If you don't mind, can please take your shirt off. It's makes it easier to work on your arm. He nodded and pulled his shirt off. Shivering at the cold air. Y/n turned around and was at a loss for words, however she needed to remain professional.

When she was given this job she was nervous and scared at first. But she realized that she would be working with the man inside the Winter Soldier. Not the Winter Soldier himself. James Barnes was much different from his assassin alter ego. She knew that.

Y/n got to work tinkering on the hydra technology. It was advanced. But not as advanced as Stark technology. Something she also knew her way around. With a few screws and gadgets his fingers were functional once more.

He moved and flexed them. Happy with his regained movement. He looked at y/n to thank her, but she was already looking. Something came over the solider and before he knew it she was straddling his lap with her hands firm against his chest. A shocked looked covered her face while a determined one covered his. His eyes moved from her eyes to her lips.

With a shaky breath y/n said, "you can if you want to." And with that his lips were on hers in an instant. It was an odd feeling but one he enjoyed. When she pulled away he grew upset. She smiled and pecked his lips once more. "Girls gotta breathe, James." He smiled looked away. "Thank you. For everything you've done." He said barely above a whisper. She smiled. "Of course. I'm here to help."

With that they said they're goodbyes. As she walked out of the hydra facility she rang an important person.

"I found him."

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