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Sunhi was still stood in front of her studio door, she had a confused expression towards the two.

"How in the world did I not know about this? How did they even get away with this, reporters and paps are everywhere? She didn't even tell me!?" she thought, still staring at the couple.

Jimin was standing next to Misun, his arm around her shoulders, keys in the other hand. Misun's arm was wrapped around his waist, her hand resting on his hip, still smiling up at him.

"Hello? Misun, snap out of your daze for a moment." Sunhi snapped her fingers towards her.

"Oh right, sorry. I've tried to tell you Sunhi! Every time I had mentioned him you just nodded your head and said, 'How interesting'. What else was I supposed to do?" Misun responded.

Sunhi looked at the ground, trying to remember the times Misun had mentioned him.


"Sunhi!! Sooyun!! I have some news! You won't believe it!" Misun exclaimed,  running up beside Sunhi and Sooyun, locking both of their arms in with hers as they walked towards their studio.

"Goodness, what is it? Don't scare me like that, but don't make us wait." Sooyun excitedly responded, her hand was on her heart from the scare.

"Mhm, tell us." Sunhi added, she was reading and rewriting lyrics she had written on her phone.

"Ok ok! You guys know BTS right? I mean how could you not?" Misun started.

"Never heard of them." Sooyun said sarcastically, of course she had heard of them. They were almost everywhere, on billboards, the news, even in stores.

"Mhm...sure have." Sunhi still not paying much attention. She wanted to get a head start for their upcoming song, it was important.

"Well...one of the members is my new boyfriend! He is so kind and charming. Truly so sweet! He does everything he can to keep us away from the press, he is so caring." Misun exclaimed, almost jumping up and down as they walked down the hall.

"Oh my gosh! Who is it?" Sooyun was even more interested now. Sooyun had found everyone in the group attractive, but she never said it out loud to anyone.

"Park Jimin, their studio is actually on the same floor as ours! All of them are so nice, we should all be friends. What do you think Sunhi?" Misun nudged Sunhi, she was still looking at her phone.

𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧  ||  PJMWhere stories live. Discover now