28 - ????

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She slips into the room with ease. Her target does not sense her at all, and still remains in his seated position in front of a fireplace. He doesn't even see her as she slinks closer to him and brandishes her knives.

She places them at his throat, and he stops his writing and looks up at her.

"I knew you'd come, bloodletter."

Anger pulses through her, but she ignores it. This is her mission. She can't muck it up. So she pushes through her anger and looks into his blue eyes.

"Okay, this is how this will work. You tell me where Elekai took them, or I will make you tell me. Trust me, I have my ways. Now tell me."

"Took who?"

"Elekai took Arlo, Emma, Autumn, and Dylan, all four of them are vampires. Zeke, their angelic friend, is missing. So I guess it is up to me to save a bunch of wayward vamps. With your help, of course."

He laughs. "You think I will help you, bloodletter? You must be mad as Elekai."

She presses the tip of the blade into his neck, and he cries out as his blood trickles down her blade, making it glow red. He looks at her with such a look of hatred and anger that it would scare anyone else.

She smiles at him. "Tell. Me. Where. They. Are."

"You don't want to know," he says.

She presses harder with the knife. He screams and she smiles again.  "I could keep this up."

"Fine. They're in Fvarlos, in a place known as the Nest.  But no one goes there."

"Why does no one go there?" she asks him.

"Because wendigo and wraiths live there. The Nest is where they take them to eat. And something tells me you want to hurry up, assassin girl. Lest you arrive too late to save your friends."

She sheathes her knives and walks over to the other side of the room. "How do I get inside the Nest?"

"Be creative. I don't know."

She scoffs. But then, she leaves, vanishing into the night without a trace she was ever there in the first place, save for his wounds.

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