35 - Autumn

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When I hear Dylan cry out in pain and see him as he falls to the ground, and when I see the blood on Zeke's sword, I can't help it, I just run towards him.

Zeke looks at me, a twisted look on his face.

My shadows explode out of me, and I run to Dylan, who looks unconscious. I turn and look at Zeke, who is now covered in shadows. He screams as the pain is inflicted on him over and over again and there is no end to it. I don't even care. Dylan is hurt because of him. Arlo is hurt because of him, and so Emma is dead because of him.

I can't just sit by and not do anything.

Suddenly, Dylan reaches out and grabs me by the ankle. I look down at him, glad to see he's okay, but his eyes are red and wild, and his face is paler than ever before. He struggles to stand, and I see he is slashed in the chest and leg, but he stands up anyways and grabs me by the throat.

"Dylan?" I say, shocked. He pushes me against the wall, choking me.

Freya runs up behind him and smacks him on the shoulder, making him look at her. She punches him across the face, and he lets go of me, turning on her and lunging, snapping his teeth at her like .... like he's gone feral.

"No," I whisper.

He shoves her aside and then turns back to me, and he snarls.

"Zeke, what have you done?" I ask.

"Hydeblood. Only Elekai can cure him. So I need you vampires to come with me, not that fae bitch."

"Shut the hell up, you angelic traitor," snaps Freya.

He smiles and blows her a kiss.

"Wow, you misogynistic pig," Freya hisses.

Zeke laughs. Then, Dylan comes back, snarling at us. My heart twists with pain and sympathy for him. I want to cure him of this. I want to help him.  But I can't.

Elekai can, though. We have to go with Zeke. Its the only way to save Dylan.

"We have to go," I say. I look at Arlo as she emerges from the shadows, blood trickling down her nose and temples.

"Are you coming with me, girl?" asks Zeke.

I nod, feeling broken. Arlo nods too.

Zeke smiles. "Good."

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