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Grace's p.o.v

Tension. I gulped and a slight gasp escaped my lips. I yelped in pain as I felt his hand making contact with my cheeks. I couldn't bear the punches that my stomach had been receiving. The hitting stopped. I looked up and found them kicking Ashton. I tried pushing them off him but they wouldn't budge. They both ran off. Ashton followed them. " Ashton ! Ashton get back here you idiot ! They're gonna hurt you. " He was crossing the street and I wasn't looking at him. I Heard loud yelling and screaming. I looked up and what I saw wasn't good. He lied on the cold concrete. I couldn't stop crying. " Call an ambulance ! Call an ambulance !" I cried. Someone probably called them, they should be here any second. I held him between my arms and hugged him tightly. My hands cupped his face as it was buried into my embrace. His eyelids were slightly parted. " Ash, you will be alright just keep your eyes opened please, sweetie please keep your eyes opened. " I begged. The ambulance arrived and we headed to the hospital.


*skipping the ride to the hospital *

I was impatiently waiting. A couple of hours passed by and a nurse came out. I rushed towards her. " How is he ? " I panicked. " We don't really know, he is in a coma. We are not sure if he will wake up or not but let us hope so. " She blankly said while heading back to where she came from. A coma ? I hate them. They are gonna pay back. I hate them both. I asked the nurse if I could visit him. " No ". I sighed. What should I do now ? As for the past few hours I have been begging the nurse to let me see him but she sternly refused. " No, now c'mon let's clean you up. " She said. I forgot about myself. I forgot about my pain. All I cared about was him. My ribs were literally killing me. I wonder how my face looks like after all of the punches that I have received. we both headed towards the emergency room since it was the only free room. It was a small but busy hospital. I sat up straight on the bed and waited for the nurse to get the first aid kit. I whimpered at her touch as she started cleaning me up. She asked about the parts of my body that Hurt me. I pointed at Mr ribs and my abdomen. She lifted my shirt, a disgusted look covered her face. I looked down and saw a mixture of blue and red bruises. After cleaning up she firmly wrapped a bandage around my ribs. " it will be better if you rested here for now " she mumbled. I shook my head. " I wanna see him. " I blankly said. " I'm gonna let you sleep on the couch in his room for tonight but when you wake up you'll emedietly leave. " She said. I thanked her and headed towards his room. We both got in and I couldn't help but stare at his lifeless body. He looked so pale. I shook my head rapidly. I tried to stay strong but I couldn't help but cry. His eyes were closed and his hands lied next to his body. I found it painful to look at him. The nurse got me a blanket. I lied onto the couch under the covers but i couldn't sleep.

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