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Grace's p.o.v
I kept on stroking his hair. I couldn't sleep. Insomnia. These days have been so tough. I really felt like crying, I couldn't keep everything on the inside anymore. I slowly moved Ashton away from me, he let out a groan and my eyes widened but a couple of moments later he got back to sleep. A sigh of relief escaped my lips. I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I curled up in a ball and hid my head into my knees. I took a moment and remembered every Single bad, embarrassing and depressing moment that I have been through. The moments where my parents always fight. The moments where my dad almost slapped me. The moments where I found out that he was cheating on mom. The moments that caused parts of me to die everyday. I silently let the tears flow, I accidentally let out a yelp. I was shivering, it was so cold. I reached the extend that I couldn't even hurt myself anymore. My heart keeps on going numb. I can't feel anything anymore. It has been a lot and I didn't get out of the bathroom. A faint knock on the door caused me to jump. " Grace, is that you ? Sweetie why are you crying ? " His voice lingered through the bathroom. " I'm not crying " I said in a fake cheerful tone. " Grace, I know you more than you know yourself. Why'd you keep yourself locked in the bathroom if you are not crying or hurting yourself ? " he said. I sigh " Maybe I was peeing. " I fired back at him. " Nobody spends hours peeing. " he said. " Wait, you were awake ? " " yeah, Grace I was awake when you left me alone, now open up. " " No" " Grace, open the damn door " " No !" " Grace ! " " No ! " " okay then ! ".
He went silent until a loud bang popped out of nowhere. Ashton was kicking the door. I quickly unlocked the door knowing that he's already hurt and he might hurt himself. I sat back to the way I was positioned earlier, in a curled up ball. He took a seat beside me and lifted up my sleeves. " Thanks God, you didn't hurt yourself I was so damn worried, now tell me, what's wrong ? What has happened ? " He said. " honestly, I'm sick of everything, I'm sick of life, I'm sick of sadness, I'm sick of anxiety, I feel like a failure you know, there's no reason for my soul to live. I'm just a burden, I'm exactly a leftover. I'm worthless, I'm terrible and I fail at everything. " I said and cried hysterically. He pulled me in for a hug. " No, baby no ! You are not worthless and there is a purpose for your soul to live. You are the only reason why I'm here, if you weren't here I'd die. You give me hope,you give me faith even though you don't have any hope and I'll do my best to build hope inside of you. You are not the leftover, you are my entire world. You are my everything. I love you so damn much, babe. " He said and left soft kisses all over my face. From my eyes to my cheeks to my forehead to my chin to my lips. I hugged him tightly and a couple of moments later I couldn't keep my eyes opened. I fell asleep into his arms.
Ashton's p.o.v
ー ー ー ー ー ー
She fell asleep in my arms. I couldn't carry her out of the bathroom because of my broken arm. I had a blanket around me but I took it off and wrapped it around us. I kissed her forehead and lied my head over hers. She snuggled closer to me, I erased her tears. I hate seeing her hurt. When she's hurt, I'm hurt. When she's broken, I'm broken. When she's happy, I'm happy. Grace is really stubborn, it's one of the things that I love about her. I love everything about her. I couldn't sleep so I just petted her head. I really wanna take her out, I just don't know when, or where. I was getting a but better, I am supposed to take the casts off in about 3 more weeks. A couple of minutes passed by and I was already falling asleep.
* next morning *
I woke up to sleepy blue eyes staring at me. "Mornin' Ash " she mumbled. "Mornin' babe. " I replied. I leaned in for a kiss but she looked away. " Aww, why ? " I asked while pouting. " because of my morning breath, dork" she said. " But I don't care, meanie " I said and pressed my lips against hers. She was about to get up but I stopped her. She got up and extended her hand for me to hold and get up, She pulled me up. She left me in the room and headed towards the bathroom. She came out and headed towards her closet. She pulled some skinny jeans and a T-shirt. We both had breakfast and talked about skateboards. She has always wanted to skate. When my broken bones heal,i'll take her tp do everything she has ever wanted to do. She grabbed her clutch bag and placed her vans on. " Where are you going ? " I asked her. " I was gonna go to the grocery shop, if you don't mind ofcourse.."she mumbled. " No, it's okay you can go. " I smiled at her. She kissed my cheeks and ran out of the door. I chuckled at her cuteness.
*3 weeks later*
Ashton's p.o.v
Grave was helping me get dressed, we were heading to the doctors clinic at the hospital to talk off my casts. I was so excited that I'd get to chase Grace and hold her tight whenever I want to. Grace and I were ready and she already called in a cab. We waited for a bout 10 minutes and the cab arrived. My eyes caught Grace smiling while texting someone. I looked over her shoulder and she was texting Jason. Honestly, I hate that he makes her smile and laugh. He has no rights to. About 15 minutes later we arrived at the hospital. Grace was talking to the nurse," We are here to take off Ashton's casts. " I heard her say. "Over here" The nurse said pointing to a room. Grace grabbed my hand and lead me into the room. Grace tried starting a conversation but I wouldn't reply. " Ashton, what's wrong are you mad ? ", " No, why would I be mad. There's nothing that'd make me mad. It's just my girlfriend, she's texting a guy called " jason " and he's making her smile. It's as simple as this. " I said giving her a fake smile and then I bitterly laughed. " Here we go again." She mumbled. I just glared at her. I emedietly softened when I realized that she looked as if she was about to break down. She probably hates me now. I'm a terrible boyfriend. I messed everything up. I was about to opologize but the doctor entered the room. What a perfect timing doc. ( not the irony ). Grace faked a smile and greeted the doctor. Wow, that girl's a professional when it comes to hiding her emotions. I greeted the doctor and waited for him to remove my casts. He got all of his equipments and removed my casts. We paid and headed out of the hospital. While we were walking I started, " Listen Gra-" but she cut me off. "Ashton, please just don't talk, it's enough, what I'm going through is enough. Just, just Leave ! " She yelled. " What's wrong, Grace ? " I asked, she bitterly laughed and then said " Oh nothing, nothing's wrong Ashton. I lost my damn job, I won't be able to pay for college, My father is fighting cancer and my mum's mental state is deteriorating slow and you don't trust me. Do you except me to smile after all of this ? Huh Ashton, Huh ? " She broke down. I pulled her into my embrace and tightly hugged her while whispering comforting words in her ears. " Let's go home, Grace. "I sigh. She nodded and followed me.
*2 Days later*
Grace found 2 new jobs. A job at a bookstore and the other one at a library. She didn't decide which one to choose yet. " I found a perfect solution, I'll choose both jobs and work a morning shift in the library and a night shift in the book store. " She said. I frowned and she gave me a questioning look. "What about me ? You won't find any time to spend with me. " I said in a low voice. I will Ash, I promise you I will. " she said. " I'm gonna look for a job too, we both need money." I said and quickly placed on a jacket. " I'm gonna go look for a job. " And with that I left.

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