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"Ashton, are you leaving ? "
Ashton's p.o.v
I was speechless, I couldn't talk. I stared at her in disbelief, how did she even know ? I looked into her eyes and immediately got lost in them. I took a deep breath and said " I was, I was going to tell you, but I couldn't, I knew you'd get hurt, Grace I'm sorry, I'm leaving for a couple of months, I got a job interview at a specific company. " She stared at me and the tears filled her dull eyes. I sigh and leaned in to hug her but she pushed me away and shook her head rapidly," No, no.." she whispered. she ran and locked herself in her room. I ran after her and tried to unlock the door, but I was hopeless. " Grace, if you didn't open the dawn door I swear I'll break it " I yelled. No response. I took a deep breath and I firmly hit the door. The door flutter open and I saw her lying
on her bed. Her mascara was stained on her cheeks. " Grace, please listen, " I spoke " I am a man, I need to have my own job, how will I go to college if I have got no money, Grace we are almost 12th graders, we need to plan our futures, we need to be something I am sick of being a " nobody " I gotta work hard to achieve my dreams. I wanna be with you, you are the only one I have ever loved. I need you, we can Skype, I will call you and I will text you, do not worry please " I said as I slowly stroked her cheeks. She pushed my hand away and faintly spoke, " When are you leaving ? " I entwined our hands together, " I am leaving tomorrow's night " I said. " Oh." was all that I got from Grace. " I guess that is my sign to leave. " I said as I got up. I was about to leave, but she grabbed my arm. I turned around and stared at her with pity in my eyes. Her nose and her cheeks were red. The Crimson in her eyes was obvious and it brought tears to my eyes. Grace and I never parted, I cannot believe I am leaving her. " please stay " Her voice was barely audible. " I have to go pack my stuff, I am sorry" I blankly said.
I left and headed home.
Grace's p.o.v
He was leaving, he was letting go of everything. I don't know how to deal with this,but I really hope it will get better. Ashton says it always gets better, so it will get better. I will go with him to the airport tomorrow and I will sort things out between us.
* skipping the day *
I woke up to my phone going off. I checked my phone and it was Ashton, it was already 12 pm . " Hello " I sleepily mumbled. " Grace, were you asleep ? I am sorry baby, I will call you later" Ashton said. " No, I am awake, so did you pack your stuff ? " I asked. " Yeah everything is settled down " He replied. " Ashton, I am gonna tag along and go to the airport with you, alright ? " I said. " See you until then, babe " he said. We both hung up and I headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. I tripped and almost fell, What a day ! I made myself a coffee and headed eight back to bed. I was sick, but most of all I was in pain. I set the alarm for 7 pm so I could sleep for a little longer and then I will get ready and go with Ashton.
* 6 hours and a half later *
I woke up and checked the time. I woke up 30 minutes earlier. I decided to get ready and go grab something to eat and drink. I took a quick shower with hot steaming water since I needed the hit water so my muscles would relax. I placed osome ripped skinny jeans, an All time low band shirt on. It was now 7:30, I headed to the coffee shop at the end of the road and got myself a nice hot chocolate and a bagel. I took a seat and ate my bagel in peace. I checked the time and it was 8:15,I finished my bagel and headed towards Ashton's apartment. We already booked a cab. I arrived at his apartment and Ashton was waiting for the cab to arrive. I ran over to Ashton and hugged him tightly, " I am gonna miss you " he said as he played with my hair. " I will miss you way more Ashton, I am gonna need you, but I will hold on because I know it is the best for you. " I said. I almost cried but I kept it all on the inside. Tha cab arrived and headed towards the airport. It was 10:00 pm and Ashton's plane leaves at 1:00 am. 3 hours to go, I was tired and we were still in the cab. I was snuggling closer to Ashton and I had his jacket wrapped around me since I was freezing. God, I will miss everything about him, I cannot believe he is gonna leave me. A couple of minutes later we were at the airport. " Grace, go home it is getting late and cold. Please go home. " Ashton said. I shook my head and said " I am not leaving, not until your plane takes off. " He nodded and said." I will go grab us coffee " , with that he left to get us coffee. I was fiddling with my fingers and staring at what people are doing, couples were hugging each others, some people had tears in their eyes, others had their eyes gleaming with happiness. We drank our coffee, we talked and I guess they were right when they said that time moves way too fast. They were calling the passengers for Ashton's plane, it was time for him to leave. We both got up and he stared at me, seconds later he was leaning in, he kissed me softly yet strongly. He then hugged me tightly. I heard him sniffing and when I looked up he was drenched in his tears and boy did I know, I was hysterically crying too. " Bye, I am gonna miss you baby " Ashton mumbled. " Bye Ashton, I will miss you too. " I said. He let go of my hand that he was tightly holding and made his way towards his plane.

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