Chapter XXII- Witchcraft

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"Before, you got luck because you brought water. Now, you're going to burn to a crisp because you are the idiot you are!" Dedede shouted, laughing like a maniac in the cockpit of his mech.

"Uh huh. Like I would know what I'm on about even." Mollie smirked, throwing a bottle filled with teal liquid at the mech.

An icy aura came from the remains of the bottle and froze the leg of the mech solid. Astonished, Dedede tried to reverse to remove the ice but the mech wouldn't move.

Throwing another bottle, she managed to set the mech on fire, causing Dedede to hop out of it. The fire rose higher and higher, the flame becoming taller than the trees. She tossed a final bottle and put it out entirely, leaving the scraps of flayed metal to litter the ground. "Woah, how did you do that?" Ebony shrieked in amazement.
"A little thing called witchcraft. You don't believe in magic, but you should." Mollie smirked, winking at them.

The maids and Tiff just looked at Mollie as if she were crazy. Sweating nervously, Mollie tried to sway the topic of their conversation onto something else,"Well then, how about those fireworks now?"

This time, Ebony and Angelica were going to be lighting the fireworks to ensure it wasn't a demon beast or monster that spewed bombs.

Fireworks lit up the sky, colouring it with many beautiful colours. (Y/n) sat with Meta Knight as they both observed the firework display. "It truly is lovely...what a perfect night to spend with such a perfect person.." (Y/n) gasped in admiration.
"I couldn't agree any more than I do." Meta Knight smirked.
Sighing, (Y/n) knew that what she was about to do could get her killed but it wouldn't matter. Placing a hand over Meta Knight's hand, she stole a glance over at him. His eyes with still fixed on the fireworks that illuminated the night sky. Gently, she lifted his mask and kissed him.

That's it, she went in for it and she got it. For the few moments that (Y/n) was kissing him, she felt like she was in heaven. He didn't object or protest, he just went along with it.

Until they broke apart from the kiss.

"You know how I've felt for a while now and I just can't help but feel this way. It's like an addiction, I crave your attention, your love, your..everything..!" (Y/n) confessed,"I know you've felt the same way about me, too, and I feel like we should make it official."

"(Y/n), how will the King react? You know how possessive he is over you and the others maids. Even though you work for me, he still believes that he deserves you." He reminded her.

"To hell with it! I don't want him! He's nothing to me in comparison to you. Who cares what he thinks about us? He's a no one!" (Y/n) told him, holding both his gloved hands in her own and looking him in the eyes. "I refuse to let him come between this, I've been waiting for so long for this very moment!"

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). We both know how we feel and I know that we would be great together but I can't risk it."

Mollie, Ebony and Angelica gasped as the words left his mouth. "That motherfucking-"
"Ebony! No swearing! It's not Sir Meta Knight's fault. King Dedede makes us all feel so insignificant and pressures us to make choices we regret." Angelica cried as she covered Ebony's mouth.
"Guys, I have a slight idea. It'll involve witchcraft but if you're down for it then it will work." Mollie proposed.

The two destined lovers sat there observing the stars as the maids plotted a way for them to have one another. The King, being so territorial, would never let them be together. However, a little Witchcraft could go a long way.

Eventually, the celebration drifted to a close and they returned to the castle. The couple walked down the hallway, so solemnly. Both of them knew what they wanted, more specifically who they wanted, but they couldn't have it their way. They knew that.

As they departed separate ways, Ebony and Angelica viewed the scene as Mollie flicked through the aged pages of a broad book.

The spine of the book was still in tact and the cover had been coated in dust, showing it's age. No one in the castle or Cappy Town knew of this single book, that being because it was special.

It was a spellbook, filled with potion recipes and spells to make just about anything happen, from body switching to making a blind person able to see again.

Mollie turned the pages carefully, reading each page lightly and searching for the right information that she needed. Maybe there was a spell or a potion?

Then, she found something.

Agreement potion recipe
This recipe will make it so whomever disagrees with you will now see the argument from your perspective.

Black Amber
A shard of Amethyst
Liquid gold
A pitcher of water

How to make it:
Boil the gold in the pan for exactly a quarter of an hour. The shard of Amethyst should be added in 3 minutes after the gold has been put in. Then, the black Amber should be put in 7 minutes after the Amethyst and the water should be added 12 minutes after the black amber. Stir frequently and make sure to store it carefully once it is finished.

Warning: The potion will make them agree with whomever made the potion on any topic at all. Use carefully as the spell is irreversible.


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