Ryan Nugent Hopkins #1

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Author's Note:

Just finished up my RNH one shot. Hope you all like it! Vote and comment down below. Also PM me any requests for one shots. 

Stay Strong <3


            You and your boyfriend, Ryan Nugent Hopkins stood all alone in the middle of a snowy field. It is winter break for all schools across Canada, yet no children are playing in the vast field you both stood in. All around you snow fell softly as if knowing not to disturb you and Nuge’s moment. The fresh patches of snow sparkling in the sun leaving anybody that looked at feel calm and happy. You tighten your grip around Nuge’s neck and swaying side to side slowly. When it snows in Edmonton, it gets pretty ugly. But, today the snow was so beautiful you couldn’t help but smile. You close your eyes and burry your chest into Ryan’s jacket. He had his arms wrapped around your back and he too swaying side to side very slowly.


Ryan had slowly bent down as if to grab something he had dropped. Little do you realize he had just thrown a snowball at you. You quickly open your eyes fearing that a bird had pooped on you even though there were no birds in the middle of December.


You quickly throw your hands into the snow not caring about how cold it was. Smashing together a small snow ball you aim it straight at Nuge’s ass while he was bent down preparing himself for a snowball attack. Ever since you were a young kid, you weren’t allowed running because of breathing problems. Ryan looks up with a mischievous look and threw one right on top of your head. Laughter and screams filled the silent Edmonton air.

Ryan trips over a small snow mountain. You took full advantage and dump a handful of snow on his back. You half run away knowing you’re not supposed to be running. A snowball lands in your hat as you let out a scream. The snowball fight went on for a while since the Canadian sunshine had hit a full peak and blaze over the field.

The clouds watch the snowball fight sitting in front of the sun like front row seats at a hockey game, while throwing white confetti at us. You smash a few snowballs into his face as he tackels you down into the fresh sheet of snow.


You laugh evilly and start burying him into the snow. He grabs your waist and rolls you over to his left side. You both lay in the snow lying side by side. The world had become silent once again, letting the last of our shrieks and giggles go along with the wind. His heart pounded as you snuggle in closer into him.

“I love you a lot, Y/N. You don’t understand how much I love you, like I can’t even express it”

“Aww, Nuge I love you so much as well! I love you more than it looks like I love you.”

You push yourself closer to his face and kiss his nose. His nose had always been your favorite spot to kiss him. You went back to snuggling into his chest. Ryan’s heartbeat always had this effect on you where it calmed you down and eventually soothed you to sleep. Before you even realize you had fallen asleep in the middle of a field in Ryan’s arms.


A Few Hours Later:


You pry open your eyes to see yourself wrapped in warm white sheets beside a shirtless Ryan Nugent Hopkins. The sun shone through the window making his shirtless body looking like it had a beautiful gold tan. He wasn’t one of those guys that looked like they had just walked off a sports magazine.  He has a toned body but no abs. normally, females like their guys with abs but you are the opposite. You like someone that looks real and don’t look like they had taken steroids and Photoshop to achieve a splendid body. A tear slips from your eye because of how beautiful and peaceful he looked laying there sleeping like a small fuzzy bear. You shuffle closer to him and wrap your arms on his waist and hug him as tight as you can. The scars on yours arms that existed before you and Ryan had gotten together were slowly fading away as you and Ryan’s relationship became stronger. You quietly cry because of how much he means to you. He wraps an arm unknowingly around you and smiles. You smile with tears streaming down as you embrace his hug.

“I love you so much Ryan Nugent Hopkins. You mean the entire world to me and I feel like I’m the only special girl in the world when I’m around you. I feel safe and secure around you. Don’t ever leave me Ryan.”

You rest your head against his heart and once again fall asleep in his arms with a smile playing on your face and tears streaming down your cheeks.

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