Corey Crawford #1

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Author's Note:

 Hope yall like it. Vote and comment down below. Also PM me any requests for one shots. 

Stay Strong <3


You were 9 months pregnant with Crawford's baby boy. You were due any time soon, so far you're pregnancy had been amazing. It was going well, and getting better each day. You couldn't for baby Craw to come into the world. You felt prepared yet not prepared enough for labor, since you had done enough research and readings on it. This was your first baby and no matter how prepared you felt you were still nervous. You suddenly feel pain shoot down your side, then after a while it stopped. You decide to make a warm bath and get in there to feel the pain. You brought your phone along too for "Just in case its time." The pain got worse. It would keep coming back worse every time, and leave you breathless in between...each contraction. A light bulb went off in your head; you hurriedly call Corey, to drive you to the hospital since you were going into labor. Corey came home and rushed you to the hospital. The pain was becoming unbearable. You finally make it to the hospital. You hugged your teddy bear and tried not crying out in pain. You were being poked and prodded by a bunch of nurses.

"Mrs. Crawford, there's no time to drug you. You're already dilated at 10cm. You are now ready to push." Smiled the nurse.

The nurses began working on things setting everything up real fast. You throw up your hair into a pony tail. You look at Corey with tears from the pain. 

"Corey, I don’t think I can do this."

"Baby, yes you can for me and baby Craw. And you're a hockey player too you can do this."

Yes you can. You thought of positive things and sent yourself positive vibes. Let the puck drop, you thought to yourself as you got ready to push. The nurse tells you to push. You grabbed Corey's hands and you pushed. You fell back. 

"Corey, I know this is weird but can you turn on highlights of me please?"

He connected his phone to the TV, and put on the game. You set your mind to hockey mode as you mentally and physically set yourself for another round of contractions and pushing. You pushed for a while, and suddenly you felt a bubble coming out. The nurses began running to get the doctor. The bubble was your baby's head. You push again and out came Jeff Crawford. They handed Jeff to Corey and he cut the umbilical cord. Jeff began crying and you smiled. But, before it was all over you felt another set of contractions. You were confused. The nurse quickly handed Jeff to the other nurses and quickly began working with you. You pushed another few times, and out came another baby boy. You had twins. The shock ran through you and you began crying. You were going to name him Jordan, and Corey once again cut the umbilical cord which lead to Jordan crying. You were exhausted from birthing two beautiful baby boys. You fell back and smiled. Corey kissed you passionately, and in between kisses he told you how proud he was of you to give birth to twins through natural birth. 20 minutes later a nurse comes to you carrying two bundles of joy.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford on two beautiful and healthy defenceman." You kissed them both. You couldn't be any happier to have not one but two bundles of joy, a beautiful and sexy husband, and a perfect life. 

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