I Challenge All of You To...

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Hey guys!!

I know this is not a one shot but...

I was challenged by @maattamartin on wattpad (http://www.wattpad.com/user/maattamartin) check out her stories shes an amazing writer  anyways i was challenged by her to draw a heart, (OM) for Olli Maatta's initials, and the number 3 for his number on your left wrist so now i challenge everybody who sees this and all my friends hockey fan or not to do the same and post a picture on social media and use the#IFightForOlli to support Olli's battle for Cancer 
Also you can send a personal message to Olli here -->http://penguins.nhl.com/club/page.htm?id=101576 

Also, my uncle isnt well plz pray for him and keep him in your thoughts and prayers 

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