Sidney Crosby #1

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Author's Note:

 Hope yall like it. Vote and comment down below. Also PM me any requests for one shots. 

Stay Strong <3


You were at the Penguins game watching your boyfriend play against the New York Islanders at the CONSOL Energy Center. You see Orpik possess the puck and shoot it and deflect into... Your scream as your jaw drops, horror filled your eyes. You get up and begin running towards the ice through the locker room entryway. The puck accidently hit Crosby right underneath his chin. Horrible images ran through your mind as you ran towards the tunnel. You make it to the tunnel, as you see your Sid quickly being taken off the ice. You see the pain in his eyes, as his mouth gurgled up blood. 

"Hey, I’m all right. Don’t worry about me Y/N" He said as he splattered blood everywhere on the towel. The medic team checked him over and cleaned him up as you held his hand. His mouth area had swelled up immediately and looked like a giant balloon. The medic team gave him some painkillers to take, to ease the awful pain in his jaw. The medic team told us that he would be having a surgical process done on Saturday for his jaw. You drove him home and made him comfortable in his bed. He couldn't sleep since he was worried about how the team was doing. You calm him down, and he drifts off into peaceful slumber. 


After Surgery:


Getting Sid, to eat was one of the hardest since he had dental work done on his jaw. Being the girlfriend of a hockey player who is a nutrition guru was hard. Getting food inside of him was quite a hard task. With, teamwork you managed to get food in him, even though he lost 10 pounds in his first few weeks of recovery. In, a few weeks the captain was back out on the ice. You made fun of him for the jaw protection he wore with helmet for his jaw. Apparently, you weren't the only one who made fun of him. Being the great guy he is, he didn't mind. He looked like the boys back in Bantam who wore the caged helmets. You always told him about how adorable he looked in his little helmet. With all the support you and his teammates gave him, he was out of the funky jaw protection helmet thingies in no time. No matter how old the incident got, you still poked at him for how funny but adorable he looked in his new limited edition helmet. At the end of the day, he knew you loved him and you knew he loved you, and without teamwork he wasn't going to make it through all alone. Even if he is Sidney Crosby, the captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins. 

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