Beau Bennett #1

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Author Note:

I am not from Pittsburgh, so dont kill me if the places are all wrong or the scenrey is. And also PM me if ya find any mistakes in it. Oh and theres a Tyler Seguin and Torey Krug one shot coming up so be on the look for it.

Vote and Comment below or PM me any requests for one shots 

Stay Strong <3


Today is Valentine’s Day, the day that is either waited for a whole year or most dreaded. In your case, you’ve been waiting for your first Valentine’s Day not being #ForeverAlone. You and Beau Bennett met up at a local minor hockey game and hit it off since then. Snoozing your IPhone, you check your phone. You weren’t like any girl who checked their social media in the morning. Rubbing your eyes, you tapped on your NHL Game center app. Hockey comes first, screw safety. Rolling out of bed, as your feet landed on a fuzzy rug. You walk down the stairs in your still unchanged pajamas. Before, you could sit down, there was a bright pink note tucked behind the Kureg. You turn up the kureg and made your waffles. Placing your Ipad on your dining table replaying last night’s highlights, you turned the pink envelope over. In Beau’s messy handwriting the envelope read:

Good morning love, after breakfast dress comfortable and get your thinking hat on. Rip open the envelope once you’re ready to begin the game,”

You wolf down your breakfast, and hurriedly pull on Sunshine’s stolen hoodie that he probably forgot about and Lulu lemon sweat pants. You stuff your phone and wallet in your pocket, started up the car and ripped opens the envelope.

The games have begun. There is no backing out now. At the end is a prize, but you must complete the challenge first. Good luck grasshopper. Your first clue is the place we first met.”

Laughing at the grasshopper remark, I backed out my camo Jeep Wrangler out of my driveway. Jamming out to Rise Against on the stereo, I was driving down through beautiful Pittsburgh to the place we first met. Driving into Castle Shannon Blvd, I parked my baby into the Ice Castle Parking. You literally run to the gate, but stop. You reread the envelope again. This is hard you thought.


“Walking into Ice Castle, you walk to the closest vending machine for a bag of skittles. Heading up into Viewing section A, sat in your favorite spot in the front over the benches. Leaning against it you ate your bag of skittles.

“Mind If I Join?”

End of Flashback:

You begin fast walking so you don’t look like a lady being chased by imaginary ghosts. Jogging up the stairs you went. Thank you sunshine, thank god you wore sweats today. Walking to your favorite place, a note was tapped to the ledge. You look onto the ice, as you see baby penguins falling and standing back up as there practicing become the legends of the future. Grabbing the envelope and slowly tearing it apart.

This is where we become a big family. We are all brothers and sisters here. It smells like sweat but laughter and tears are shared here. Post-game celebrations and pre game speeches are shared here. Here you will find your second clue.”

Hmm Hint 1. That is for sure at an ice rink. Is Beau talking about the Console though? Brothers and sisters, it’s probably in the stands somewhere. Smells like sweat.

“AHAH!!! IT’S THE LOCKER ROOM. Since everybody becomes family in this place. It smells like sweat but memories are made here. That’s where all the celebrations and speeches are given,” You exclaim. You’re practically jumping up and down from excitement. Running to the closest locker room, stands security.”

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