Matt Duchene #1

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Author's Note:

 Hope yall like it. Vote and comment down below. Also PM me any requests for one shots. 

Stay Strong <3


        A distant sound of musical instruments and a voice wakes you up. You turn the covers over and keep changing sides until the sound becomes unbearable. The distant sound of musical instruments and the voice turns out to be your alarm that has been ringing for the past 10 minutes playing In the End by Black Veil Brides (Song's on the side). You being like every other person on the planet, surfed through, Facebook, Tumblr, twitter, and last but not least Instagram. After finishing up catching up with the world through the 8 hours you had slept for, you go to check your texts. You smile knowing who they are from. 18 texts from your best friend Marissa and the remaining 2 from your boyfriend. Yes, you heard right. Your boyfriend is the North Bay Battalion's top forward, Matt Duchene. You hop out of bed, excited that the big day has finally arrived. You were going to be finally graduating from Nipissing University as a Sports Photographer. You open up your texts from Marissa, filled with spam and updates. Marissa Shane has been your best friend since 10th grade. After replying to her with a long paragraph. You move on to Matt's texts.

Matt: Good morning Babe <3 

Matt: Hey babe <3 I’m so proud of you today! Can't believe you’re going to be graduating today, you’ve grown so much since I first met you. You've evolved into a strong. Determined and confident woman. I’m so proud of you babe. I'm still really sorry that I can't make it to your graduation today. Coach B wants us all there for the game against Owen Sound tonight.

        You tear up from how sweet his text was. You smile and catch your reflection in the mirror and see that you are blushing. You turn your attention back to your phone and begin crafting a response right away.

You: Good morning babe <3, aww don’t worry hockey is more important than my graduation. You’re too sweet. I love you too as well! Good luck at the game with Owen Sound and score one for me tonight! 

        You check the clock and decide it's time to get ready for the big day today; you open up your curtains to let the Canadian sunshine into your room as well as apartment. You walk into the bathroom, and begin to get ready for the day. You listen to Nickelback and Fall Out Boy's latest albums as you pull your hair up into a standard pony tail. You pull on a pair of jeans and a hoodie. You pick up your phone and keys and text Marissa. 

You: Hey, breakfast at Tim Horton’s? And then we can go to our hair and makeup appointment after? 

Marissa: Hey! Yes! Absolutely. I'll meet you downstairs at your car. I’ll be there in 5!

        You get out of your apartment and head down to the parking garage. Since, it is spring time in Canada; the cars are still extremely cold. You make it down to the parking garage, as the doors open to it. The Canadian cold hits you like a slap shot as you make your way down to your red Jeep Wrangler. You climb into the driver's seat shivering as you start up your baby and blast the heat to high even though it's bad for your car. You open up your phone going through Tumblr waiting for Marissa to make it down the stairs. Quite a while passes by, and Marissa still hasn't come down yet. You look up to see if she's in the parking garage yet, as you look through your driver's all you see is...

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You scream as you see Marissa with her face pressed against the window making creepy faces at you. 

        You roll down the window, as she buckles over on the floor laughing at your reaction. 

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