Evgeni Malkin #1

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Author's Note:

 Hope yall like it. Vote and comment down below. Also PM me any requests for one shots. 

Stay Strong <3


Today was the first hockey game back since the accident. You had a severe reaction while you were skating laps around the rink. According to your allergist, you had a rare allergy to exercise. They weren't sure whether it was because of the food you ate before practice or the actual work out it. You were diagnosed with EIA, Exercise Induced Anaphylaxis. Since, then you had been traumatized from the whole experience, so you never bothered watching hockey anymore. Today you decided to break out of your shell. You friends, proud that you were breaking out of your shell now, decided to celebrate by buying Penguins tickets to a front seat game. It was just you, your best guy friend Jake, and your bestie Bella. It was just 5pm, since you just finished your homework. The game was at 8pm. You decide to hop into the shower, to get rid of the stank you had around you. You plug your IPhone into your dock and began blasting some AC DC music.  You come out of the shower, and began playing your pump up playlist. Your playlist had some AC DC, Skillet, Rise Against, AFI, Alert the Medic, Three Days Grace, Fall Out Boy, Audiovent, and last but not least Foo Fighters. You pull on a black pair of jeans and you put on your lucky socks. Your under armor socks, were always your lucky socks. You stand up and pull on your favorite grey sweater. You proudly pull your Penguins home jersey over your head. You proudly wore your Pittsburgh Penguins jersey with Evgeni Malkin's name on the back. You did your foundation, and did a little mascara for a natural loo. After, you straightened your hair you pulled a Penguins beanie over your head. You look in the mirror and put on a confident smile. You walk downstairs grab your wallet, keys and phone and shove them into your pocket. You lace up your black studded converse. 

Your phone lights up and a text come in. 

"Hey, I’ll be at your door in 5. I got Bella already," Texted Jake

You slump to the ground, and play candy crush. 

"I’m at your door. Come out." Jake texted.

"Kk I’ll be right out."

You head out the door; you lock the door and head towards Jake's sexy black Escalade. You hop into the back seat with Bella and you began jamming out to your pump up playlist, since you all shared the same taste in music. You get to the CONSOL Energy Center, after quite a while at 7:00. The game began at 8. You all head towards Pittsburgh Grille and get some dinner. After dinner, it was about time for the game to begin, you got a cold lemonade and bags of sour patch kids from the vending machine. You all get down to your seats, as the lights turn down.

"ITTTS A HOCKEY NIGHT IN PITTSBURGH, AND HERE COME YOUR PIIIITSBURGH PENGUINS. And on the other side we have the Dallas Staaars!" "Ladies and Gentlemen, please rise and remove your hats and join us in the singing of the American national anthem." 

You remove your beanie, and put your hand on your heart and began singing along to the American national anthem, even though you’re from Canada. The puck drops in Pittsburgh, and you get immersed into the game. You catch your favorite player's eye quite a few games throughout the entire game. 



You hug Bella, and fist bump Jake. The arena began clearing out, and you stayed until the entire place cleared out, because it's always been a tradition of yours. 

"GUYS, BEAU BENNET IS COMING DOWN THE STAIRS! WHAT THE HELL!" Whisper screamed Bella. We all turned around on cue, to see the Beau Bennet. 

"Hey, guys. My name's Beau Bennet, I suppose you already know that." He pointed at your Penguins jersey. "Come with me, Evgeni Malkin has been impatiently waiting for you." We walked through high security hallways, as we made our way to the locker room. 

"Welcome to Narnia!" He smirked at Bella, who was freaking out like crazy. "Or otherwise known as the Pittsburgh Penguins locker room." He continued. You made your way inside, the beautiful locker room. All three of you guys, separated, and you made a mental note for yourself to ask Bella about what’s up with her and Beau. You see Evgeni Malkin and walk up to him. 

"Hey, I'm Y/N, Heard you were "Impatiently waiting" for me." You put quotations around impatiently waiting. 

"Damn you, Beau." Cursed Malkin under his breath. 

"Hello, my name is Evgeni Malkin." He smiled.

"Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone you were "impatiently waiting" for me." You smirked at him and getting on his nerves, 

The rest of the convo unfolded away as you both got lost into. Today was one of the best days of your life. 

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