Chap. 1 - Acting

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"I loved you, and you betrayed me you unfaithful, filthy, coward!"

"That's enough, thank you."

Y/n looked around at the crowd of people who were watching her audition.

"That's all?" she asked wondering why it was cut short.

"Uh... yeah. Listen I'm going to be straight up, and the truth is that you won't get a role here. You have potential, just not here," the man in charge spoke.

Y/n was crushed.

She spent hours, days, months trying to land an acting role in anything. She was denied so many times. Each of them telling her she had potential, but each audition that followed, left her feeling even worse about herself. Trying to change up her mindset, y/n came into this audition with confidence, thinking that this was a role she would get, but she didn't get it.

"... ok. Thank you for your time," she said as she accepted her fate and left yet another audition feeling horrible.

Y/n drove home to her apartment and sat on her couch while she contemplated life and decisions she's made.


Y/n snapped out of her thoughts as she heard her apartment door being buzzed. She checked the time and remembered her best friend was supposed to come over to talk about the audition. She really didn't want to talk but she knew she had to let her in.

Lily (if that's your name then you can change it I guess :) ) climbed the stairs to y/n's door and entered, as it was already unlocked.

"What's up bestieeee?" Lily said as she walked in. Immediately seeing y/n's face, she shut up.

They both shared a look and without any words being exchanged, Lily came over to hug y/n, right as the tears began to fall. They sat there for a few minutes as y/n let all her years and pent up emotions out.

"I'm sorry," y/n sobbed into Lily's shoulder.

"Hey, why are you saying sorry?" she replied as she pulled away to look into y/n's eyes.

"I'm sorry for being such a mess and failure."

"No. Remember what we talked about? We don't do this. You are not a failure. Maybe a mess, but not a failure. Now listen, I've got some good news. I was talking to some of my friends and apparently there is a few roles you could try a out for in this new movie."

At this point, y/n had stopped crying and was fairly composed.

"What? You want me to do another one if those goddamn auditions?! I swear if I see any more scripts, directors, or anything related to film, I will rip out my hair and yours too."

"Jeez, I wasn't expecting that reaction."

Y/n just stared.

"Look. I know that this is been hard for you but it's been hard for me too. I hate seeing you like this. You're living on part time jobs and hanging on by a thread. Please just try this out. I have a good feeling about this one. Also, you always tried out for cheesy, corny, classic romantic movies. This is different. You're just too good for the other movies."

Lily sat there for a moment as she let the thought sink in. She could see y/n considering it.

"Ughhh, fine. But you better hope this turns out well or else you'll be wearing wigs until your hair grows back," y/n gave in.

Lily kissed y/n on the head and cheered a little.

"I promise you will not regret this."

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