Chap 8. - Feelings

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(Y/n's POV)

Despite the awkward moment they had at Lizzie's house, y/n wasn't going to stay distant again. She had gotten a taste of what being with Lizzie was like and she needed more.

The pair had gotten even closer everyday. They would spend the whole day with each other. In short, they were inseparable.

(Lizzie's POV)

Today y/n and her were going to be acting the scene where their characters were going to confess their feelings for each other.

Lizzie was nervous. She didn't think she had a reason to be nervous but she was.

It's just acting. What is wrong with me? Why do I feel like this?

"Lizzie, it's time to go," Scarlett called from outside her trailer.

"Coming," she rushed out and walked with Scarlett to the main set.



Kat: Wanda, I have to confess something...

Wanda: I already know.

Kat: You do?

Wanda: I do. I can read minds remember?

The both started to lean in slowly.

Lizzie was getting frustrated at the slow speed. She just needed to kiss y/n.

Y/n finally leaned just enough so their lips brushed.

Although the contact was minimal, it felt like a fire had been lit inside her. She ached for and she got what she wanted.

Y/n cupped her cheek as the kiss got more intense. Her other arm wrapped around Lizzie's waist and pulled her closer. Lizzie's arms went around y/n's neck and pulled their bodies so that they were flushed against each other.

She had completely forgotten about the fact that she was acting and that this wasn't real.

"And cut!" the directors from behind the cameras called.

Y/n pulled away while taking her time. She didn't want her to pull away. She didn't want y/n to stop.

She looked into y/n's eyes, searching for something. She knew deep down she was hoping to see some lust in her eyes. Hoping to find some hint that reciprocate her feelings.

Scarlett's voice broke Lizzie out of her thoughts.

"Hey, y/n! Mike asked me to tell you that he wanted to talk."

"Yeah, sure," y/n replied and walked away. She looked back once to meet my eyes, but turned and looked away right after.



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