Chap. 23 - The Interview

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Both of them stepped onto the red carpet, making their way to the middle area where some other cast members were already there. As they neared the middle, y/n could see that Chris E., Scarlett, Brie, Anthony, Robert and a few others were in front. Lizzie and Aaron were also there, getting interviewed.

Some cameras were on the cast in front while most starting to focus on y/n and Lily. They were all curious to know more about this new actress and her companion.

From the side, y/n saw Mike, motioning for her to stop. She stopped and realized he wanted her to pose for photos. She wasn't sure how to do so, but she somehow managed. Y/n snaked her arm around Lily's waist, pulling her closer to take pictures. They both just smiled and posed for around a minute for taking pictures. Then, someone asked for a picture of y/n alone so Lily went to talk to the rest of the cast while y/n took even more photos.

After y/n finished that, she walked over to the rest of the cast. They all welcome sher and started talking, waiting for a few more people before they would head backstage before they started the conference.

Lizzie and Aaron had finished their interview and they were standing together at the edge of the group. Y/n caught Lizzie's eye as she walked over to Lily. They subtlety nodded, acknowledging each other.

Finally, once everybody had come, more people left in pairs or alone to do little interviews. Lizzie and Aaron were paired up once again. Y/n and Lily were also put together, sending them to a reporter, waiting to question them.

"You ready?" y/n asked Lily.

"I'm not sure. I haven't ever been interviewed. Especially with a celebrity like you," she teased.

They both laughed at Lily's joke as they met up with the interviewer. After introducing themselves to each other, the interview started.

"Today we are here at the press conference being held for the new movie, Avengers: Friends! The newest member of the MCU, Katerina Ivanov, played by Y/n Y/l/n and...?"

"Lily Grabner," y/n finished her sentence for her.

"What a beautiful name! So we all had a few questions for your character..." the interviewer stated before firing off a bunch of questions.

Y/n never did anything like this before but she made it through well enough. Answering the questions about the actual character wasn't hard, it was the questions about her that made her uneasy.

Soon, the questions started to change into more personal questions. They started asking Lily questions too, since she was there.

"So, we have seen you both a few times. Once at Aaron and Lizzie's party," y/n glanced over at the two as the interviewer said this.

Both of them were laughing at a joke Aaron had just made. His arm was around Lizzie's waist, keeping her tight against him.
Seeing that made y/n's blood boil. She focused back at the interview just in time to hear that the question was about Lily and here's relationship.

Y/n plastered a smile onto her face, and moved her hand from Lily's to her waist. She pulled her close in a pathetic way of getting back at Aaron. Lily clearly wasn't expecting that as she started to pull away before she stopped, remembering she was on live TV.

"Uh, Lily and I," y/n took a second to calm her nerves and speak confidently without stuttering.

"We are dating, actually!" Lily chipped in.

"Really?" the interviewer gasped.

"Yeah!" y/n tried to seem as genuine as possible.

"That's great! We all hope to see you two again some other time, but for now that's all!"

Y/n and Lily both said bye and they moved as quickly as they could out of the way.

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