Chap. 16 - Fame

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A few weeks had passed since their last dinner. Avengers: Friends trailer had come out a few days ago and so far everything was great.

A few articles about a new character, new actor, and the regular ones trying to stir up some drama.

Nobody had openly rejected or bashed y/n and her character.


Y/n was at her apartment leaving to go to  Lizzie's house, to pick her up and go for dinner. She got in her car and drove. Everything was normal until she started to near Lizzie's house.

"What the... ?" y/n mumbled to herself, as she reached for her phone.

There were cars everywhere. They all seemed to be waiting for something. Was it Lizzie? Were they waiting for Lizzie?

As the phone was ringing, it hit her.

It's the paparazzi!

She slowed down to looked at the cars and tried to look at the people inside. Lizzie wasn't picking up so she left a message telling her about the paparazzi and that she was outside waiting for her.

She parked a little away from the house to make sure there wasn't too much suspicion there. Lizzie had seen her car enough times to know which one it was.

Y/n was waiting for about 10 minutes when Lizzie finally came out of her front door. She stopped as she saw the cars. Lizzie then looked around and found y/n's. She started to walk over to her, but then people started to rush out of the cars with giant cameras in their hands.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Do you have to say anything about the new movie?"

"Lizzie, what do you think will happen to Scarlett Witch?"

"Any comments on the new character in the movie? Is there any information you can give us?"

Everybody started to crowd around her and  blocked her path. Lizzie was clearly distressed and bothered.

Y/n got out of her car and walked up to the group.

She pushed through the group and made it to the center. Lizzie looked at her and gave her a quick smile. Y/n grabbed Lizzie's hand and pushed the home invaders out of the way, making a clear path for Lizzie and herself.

Right when Lizzie and y/n held hands, cameras had went off, and more yells could be heard. This time asking about y/n and who she was.

At one point one of the cameramen yelled, "Are you y/n y/l/n? Or also known as Katerina?"

Y/n turned and glared at him then said a quiet, "Yes."

Only the ones around heard and they started to go crazy.

Lizzie pulled at y/n's hand, trying to get her to turn around and for then to leave. Y/n got the message and started it walked even faster towards her car. She opened the passenger side of the car for Lizzie, and quickly got in the driver's side.

Y/n just drove straight out of that area, knowing that the paparazzi would get in there cars and follow them. She drove fast and a very confusing route.

As she drove Lizzie talked to y/n, "So that's paparazzi."

"That was a wreck! They didn't even let you walk! I knew that they were bad but it was always from videos."

"Yeah, its way worse then videos make it seem. Anyways, I'm used to it, but you. You will be having many more encounters like this now. Especially since you told them your character. They will do anything to dig dirt up," Lizzie informed y/n.

Y/n looked over at Lizzie, "What about the holding hands?"

Lizzie smiled and replied, "Even if we didn't hold hands, they would start dating rumours with someone else. We just have to deny it until management says we can tell the public."

Y/n blew raspberries, "Borinnnggggg. That means I can't touch you without getting in trouble? Or kiss you in public? Hell, I won't be able to do so in private with these cameras everywhere."

"Welcome to fame." Lizzie held y/n's hand and gave her a reassuring smile.

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