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Third Person POV:-

Prof.Oak- Students no need to rush things over. Have patience and follow your homeroom Professor,they will escort your designated Planes.

It has been two days after the announcement about their study tour to FLARE Company based in Kalos,Now all the students along with Professor are in Airport.

Prof.Rowan- Professor how actually you managed to get us four planes whole booked??(asked in a curious tone)

Prof.Oak- Oh actually it's all thanks to Champion Diantha who has helped us with this problem.(nodding his head)

Prof.Sycamore- That's explain Professor(laughs a little)

Prof.Oak- Now let's take all of them to their respective planes(pointing the planes and explaining which year got which one) I am counting on you Professor so that there will be no leaving behind,also made sure to keep them safe.

All the Professors- Hai! Professor.

All the professor escort all the students to the planes,While among them Professor Sycamore took the third year students consisting of Our Protagonist and others.

Calem- Wow Professor,Our university actually booked these planes completely for us??That's something.(while moving down through escalator)

Prof.Sycamore- No Calem it has been arranged by Kalos region Champion Diantha.(said without turning around in a grateful tone)

Calem- oh That's great.(nodding)

Paul- But Professor Why she's helping us??(scratching his chin suspiciously)

Prof.Sycamore- May have Prof.Oak asked for this and also Diantha also a ex-Kanto University student of course Why wouldn't she help right??

Paul- Yeah!! Right by the way didn't Diantha lost her Champion position two year prior.

Serena- Yeah Someone named Aaron the guy with that wierd cloak.(following the others toward the planes)

Prof.Sycamore- Yeah about that I too have no knowledge.You can ask this directly to Diantha herself by the way.

Some students- We are meeting her Professor!! As in personal Professor???
(asks in a loud voice as a sign of excitement)

Prof.Sycamore- Yes.I see you all are excited hmm..!!(entering the plane)

Drew- Who wouldn't be excited Professor it's Diantha not only a Champion but a world famous actress and a epitome of beauty(flipping his hair)

May-Yes She is a real beauty! I am so excited to see her.(jumping in excitement)

Ursula and Misty- Me too (in unison)

Serena- Don't worry Guys,I will personally let you all introduce to her.okay??

All the students(except Calem,Ash,Gary,Clemont,Korrina and Dawn)- Thanks Serena.

Meanwhile all along these Ash and his group were as always a distance apart from all the students and walking in the back silently.

Prof.Sycamore- So,Now find and make yourself comfort in your respective places

All the students make their way to the seats as Ash and his group were in the last so the only few seats which are left were a complete set of seat and a corner seat somehow left near Serena and Calem. So Ash decided to take the seat with Serena and Calem while offering Gary,Dawn and Clemont the other.

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