How To Save A Life[Chapter 22]

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I twiddled Rupert’s thumb as we sat on my mother’s couch, with Alex. The television was on and ‘The Breakfast Club’ was on. I smiled as we watched the movie. This was my favorite movie, next to Harry Potter.

The front door opened. In came a girl with a short tight lace dress. The back on the dress was longer than the front. She wore black heels. She had red lipstick on. She wore round black shades. Her long brown hair was ruffled. The girl took off the shades and looked at Alex and I. “Well, look whose here, the slut and the crazy chick. How was the asylum, cus?”

I squinted at my cousin, “It was a house for girls, who were going through the same thing I was, not an asylum, Kelly.”

Kelly laughed, throwing her head back. She stopped laughing and bit her lip, staring at Rupert. “Who’s the fresh meat?” She licked her lips.

“That’s none of your concern,” Alex snapped, getting up.

Kelly closed the door and strutted to the couch. She held her head high and stuck out her chest. She smiled and sat next to Rupert. She put a hand on his leg. “Where are my manners? I’m Kelly, Angel’s cousin, the better cousin. And you are?”

Rupert removed Kelly’s hand and grabbed mines. He kissed it and looked at Kelly. “I’m her boyfriend, Rupert.” He smiled. Kelly arched an eyebrow at him

Kelly scooted to the arm of the couch. She crossed her legs and rubbed the outside of her thigh.  . Alex shook her head. “I’m leaving before I catch the whore virus.” She grabbed her coat and keys. She kissed my cheek and hugged Rupert. “I’ll talk to you later, Angel.”

Kelly giggled. She smiled and hopped off the arm of the couch.  “I’m so glad she’s gone. She’s a party killer. I need a drink.” She slowly walked.

I looked at Rupert. His eyes were on the television. He wasn’t paying attention to Kelly. A smile crept on my face. He looked at me. “Why are you smiling?” Kelly went into the kitchen.

I closed my eyes as my lips met his.

“Oh well isn’t this sweet,” Kelly said causing Rupert and I to pull away. She took a sip of wine from her glass. “I can toss you a beer, cus, just like they did in the asylum. Tell me, did they allow you to drink in the asylum?”

“They didn’t allow us to drink, but we were allowed to watch porn. I think I saw you one time. I’m not an expert, but you seemed like a virgin.” I smirked. Kelly frowned. Her cheek twitched as she stared.

My mother walked into the living room, buttoning her shirt. “Are you ready Kelly? We have to make reservations for tomorrow and then we have to go pick up Granny and Paula. You sure you don’t want to go to dinner tomorrow, Angel?”

I smiled at my mom, “That’s one family reunion I really want to miss.”

Rupert looked at me, “You should go.”

My mother’s face glowed. She bounced on her toes. “You should go tomorrow. Rupert, I will pay you to drag my daughter out of the house.”

“I’m coming in jeans.” I leaned back on the couch. Rupert patted my leg.

My mother’s face was unsatisfied, “You are wearing a dress tomorrow night. You can wear jeans to dinner the day after.” She picked up her purse. “Let’s go Kelly.” With that, they were out of the door.

I looked at Rupert, “You don’t want to meet my family.” I shook my head. He chuckled and kissed my forehead. “Let’s go, root beer.” I grabbed his hand.

I locked the front door. Nobody was at my mother’s house.

Rupert opened the car door for me. I slid in and put my seatbelt on. Rupert walked around the front of the car and got in. He started the engine and backed out of the driveway.  I looked down at my lap. My hands clasped together.

“What did Kelly mean by asylum?” I heard Rupert ask after ten minutes. I took a glance at him. He was focused on the road.

I stared at my shoes. I opened my mouth, trying to form the words. I sighed and shook my head, “I really didn’t enjoy school. During my third year of high school, I developed an eating disorder, but it wasn’t that major until my last year. Before all of this occurred, I was already going through a hard time, but um yeah.” I scratched my head. “Long story short, I was sent to a house with a bunch of girls, who were going through the same things as I. It’s really not a big deal.”

I felt Rupert’s eyes burning a hole in my cheek. “That’s kind of a big thing to me. Why didn’t you tell me?”

“It didn’t seem that important. It was the past, so it really doesn’t matter.”

Rupert sighed and shook his head, “Things still would have been better if you told.”

“Well, God Damn it, Rupert. Maybe I didn’t tell you because I wanted to forget about it!” I raised my voice and looked at him.

Rupert tried to stay calm, “That’s what people do, Angel. They talk about things. You can’t forget about something that big. Why was it so hard to tell me?”

My hand covered my forehead, “I just couldn’t.”

“Why couldn't you?"

“I just couldn’t!”

“Why was it so hard? Damn it, Angel. I love you. I want to know these things. Why was it so hard to tell me this, Angel? What if it happened again? I wouldn’t know what to do. Why couldn’t-“

“I didn’t tell you because no one loves the dysfunctional girl!” I yelled. Rupert stopped the car on the side of the road. There wasn’t a car in sight. “My old boyfriend left me because this happened! I’m sorry if I can’t be normal! I’m sorry if I want to be as thin as other girls! I’m sorry if I can’t be as sane as other girls! If something like this makes you leave, well shit! I didn’t want you to leave because this shit got to me! That’s why I didn’t fucking tell you! Telling my story can cause someone to leave or stay! I’m not in the mood to be left again!” I hit the dashboard. “Screw me.” I crossed my arms and leaned back in my seat.


I shook my head, “Let’s just go home.”


I sat my phone down as I saw Rupert walk in the room. He wore the usually to sleep, pajama bottoms and no shirt. “I’m sorry I exploded like that in the car.”

He climbed into bed.  “You had every right to. You didn’t want to speak about it and I tried to ply it out of you. I’m sorry.” He pulled me into him. This man was going to kill. 

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