How To Save A Life [Chapter 3]

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I sat on the orange bathroom rug with my back resting on the door and a book in my hand.The Runaways was blasting in my house and the shower was on.This was my reading mode and no one wouldn't dare to interrupt me during my reading mode.I heard the music get turned down and a knock on the door.

"Angel,you have guest outside."My mom was behind the door.I sighed.

"I'm in the shower.I'll be out in a couple of minutes,hours,or maybe even days.It might take a long time."I said with my eyes never leaving the book.I wasn't the mood."Tell,them I'll come later."

"You're not in the shower.I can hear your voice clearly.Get  up.I think you may like this guest that's outside."She said perky.Who was she talking about?

"Well,I'm on the crapper.That might take me a while.I fell into the toilet and I can't get out."I made farting noises without looking away from the book.'Skinny' was a good book.

"I can see you by the door.Come on get on up.Remember you're my cherry bomb."My mom's perkiness was really starting to bug me.

"Yes,Mom.I am your Cherry Bomb,but I refuse to sing it.Now,I'm stuck in the toilet and I can't get out."I said turning and laying on the rug with my eyes still on the book reading.

"Can't stay at home,can't stay at school.Old folks say you poor little fool.Down the street,I'm the girl next door.I'm the fox you've been waiting for."I heard her press against the door.I smiled and couldn't help resist.

"Hello daddy, hello mom,I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb.Hello world i'm your wild girl,I'm your ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb."I sung with a smile.We laughed."That's all I'm doing."

"Now get up before I brreak your books and book shelf."She said.I jumped up,opened the door,and stared at her.

"You wouldn't dare?"My eyes grew big.She pointed to her right.I looked and saw Rupert standing there.He had a white shirt with an anchor on it and black jeans.His blue eyes were on me.Blue?Weren't they green?Whatever.He still was beautiful.He was smiling at me.I smiled back.

"I'm just going to go and see if,um.Yes,honey?I'm coming."My mom left.Do you now see where I get my awkwardness?My mom and I were alike,but she was beautiful.

"This is your daily reading.In the restroom on a rug reading.I never thought of you to do that."He grabbed the book and smirked."Wasn't your eyes brown the other day?"

"I can ask the same for you,but yes they were.They change colors depending on the lighting,but my mom says they change depending on my mood.What color are they now?"I got a little close.

"They are now gray.I've never seen brown go to gray.Unless they are gray to brown."He said holding the side of my face in his hands.My heart pounded faster and faster.My eyes huger than ever.My book was underneath is arm.

"Now,they're brown.A dark brown.Wait,now they're black.Well,I didn't know you didn't want to see me.I would've stayed home."He said acting offended as my phone vibrated in my pocket.I laughed.His hands still holding the sides of my face.

"I actually enjoy your company.You can be funny,but not as funny as Dan."I said.He pretended to be offended again.I laughed and he laughed too.He let go of my face,gave me my book,and took my hand and intertwined it.My heart beating faster and faster.I think it's going to explode.Does he like me?

"I want to show you something."He led me to the door.His hand still intertwined with mines.My mom looked at me and smiled.I gave her a puzzled look.She gave me a thumps up.He opened the door and closed it when I was outside.Our hands still together.We walked to his car and he opened the trunk."Oh,I didn't realize what you were wearing."He looked down at me.I was wearing shorts and a tank top.My black playboy knee high socks were still up.

"It's fine.I was too lazy to do anything."I said.He was staring at me with wide eyes.I snapped and he looked at me.He blinked and open the trunk.There was a bow in it.I looked at him and back at the bow.

"It's bow.It's cool,but I don't get what you're trying to tell me."I said looking at the bow."It's beautiful and very red,but what are you-" He tapped my shoulder.I saw a small black puppy in his hands.He was holding.

"That is probably the cutest puppy I've ever seen."I said stroking the puppy.

"Yeah,my dog had puppies three weeks ago and since it passed your birthday,I wanted to give you a gift."He put the puppy on the grass.I hugged him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Thank you.I've always wanted a dog,but my old one is at my grandma's house."We were still hugging.The puppy came over and sat on my foot.

"You're welcome and I'm so sorry,Angel.I have to go.I just came to drop him off.I hope you love her just as much as she's going to love you."With that he let go and got in the car.I picked up the puppy and waved as he left.I walked in the house and sit the puppy on the floor.

"Welcome to your new home,Rex.I hope you like it as much as I like him."I sat on the couch.

"What?"My mom's popped into the room and looked at me grinning.I shook my head."I heard you.You said you liked him.You like him!"My mom jumped around.I looked at her.She looked at the puppy on the ground.She smiled.

"He gave you a puppy,Angel.He intertwined y'all's hand and everything.He must like you.I saw how close you were.He likes you and you like him!"She grinned.My eyes grew bigger and I shook my head.

"You like him."

"I don't."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You do."

"I don't."

"You do."

"I don't."

You don't."

"I do."She smiled.I realized what I said and face palmed.My mom skipped to the kitchen and I stomped to my room.I heard the puppy bark.I rolled my eyes,went to the living room,and sat next to the puppy and stroked him.

"I do."I whispered kissing the top of the Rex's head.

"Heard that."My mom's voice echoed from the kitchen.

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