How To Save A Life[Chapter 24]

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I rolled over, becoming on top of Rupert. I kissed his forehead and trailed down to his lips. He opened one eye and then closed it, a smile creeping on to his lips. "What's all this about?"

"Happy birthday," I whispered in his ear. A smirk replaced his smile. "I got something for you. I'll it it to you later on tonight." Rupert's arm wrapped around my waist as he sat up. His blue eyes stared into mines and I tried not to blush. "You look really sexy when you first wake up."

"So do you," Rupert sniffed me. "You smell like pancakes," Rupert's nose brushed against the side of my neck and pulled me closer.

"If you look at the night stand, you'll see pancakes, bacon, hashbrowns, orange juice, and coffee," I said as Rupert's forehead rested on my forehead. "I woke up early just to surprise you." Rupert smiled at me and kissed me.

Rupert's eyes scanned my attire, "I see you also taken the liberty to put on my shirt." He looked at the food stained on the shirt I was wearing. "We'll have to wash it later. Breakfast smells good." 

"Let's eat," I got up, but Rupert pulled me down. 

"You have got a nice arse," Rupert smirked. I felt my cheeks turn fifty shades of red. He noticed and had a ook of satisfaction of his face, "I can still make you blush?"

 "You have never failed to make me blush," I said as we both sat up. Rupert chuckled as I picked up a knife and fork and sliced his pancakes.

He took the knife and fork, "What are you doing?"

"What?" I stared at him.

Rupert shook his head, "That's not how you cut. You were holding the fork and knife wrong." He nodded his head towards the utensils, "see."

I rolled my eyes, "I was never really taught."

"Well, I want my girlfriend to know. Pay attention."

"I am," I raised my voice. 

Rupert dropped the silverware, "Are we really going to do this right now?" He ran his hand through his hair. "I'm not in the mood for you to be acting like a baby."

My jaw dropped and I stared at him for a while. Rupert rolled his eyes, "Yeah, I said it. You act like a baby half the time. It's a tad bit annoying."

I closed my mouth as my jaw clenched, "Well, fuck you, too then." I took off his shirt, that I was wearing, and slipped on black pants and a white shirt. I grabbed my keys, phone, and glasses. "You can enjoy your birthday on your own." I dug in my draw and pulled out a gift. "Happy fucking birthday!" I threw the gift at him and walked out the room, down the stairs, and to my new truck, that I haven't finished working on and bought with my own money. I hopped in the truck and backed out the driveway.


Hey, guys. It's been a while.

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