How To Save A Life[Chapter 18]

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Well,there's this song that goes with this chapter.It's called Love Interruption by Jack White.He's basically saying how love or being in a relationship makes us forget things or hang out with our friends or become enemies with our friends.

Basically,this is how Angel is feeling.She's so in love that she's going mad and off her bunkers.


I woke up with my legs tangled between the sheets.The light from outside the window was hitting my puffy red eyes.I rolled on my side and tried to cuddle with Rupert,but he wasn't there.I jumped out the bed.Where is he?He probably went downstairs.

I stopped panicking and went downstairs, "Rupert,did you make breakfast?" I smiled.I didn't hear a reply.I stopped and looked around.I've forgotten.Tom and I took him to the airport early this morning and then Tom dropped me back off at home.

My stomach felt sick.I felt something coming back up.I ran to the bathroom and let the remains of my dinner flow into the toilet.I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and flushed the toilet.I splashed water on my face.I looked at myself in the mirror and saw her trying to crawl into me.Let me in,you know you want to.

No,stop.Just stop.I turned around and went into the kitchen.Why are you messing with me now?Why now?Why couldn't you do this when he was around?Just leave me alone.Please.What would be the fun of that?Now,get out the kitchen.Eating is disgusting.

I almost listened to her,but I pulled myself back into the kitchen and got out ginger,lemon,and mint to settle my stomach.I put a kettle of water on the stove and sat on the counter.I looked at the phone.My hand started reaching out for it.I picked it up and dialed.

"Hello?" A voice asked.I hesitated.

"Hey,Cassie." I bit my lip and looked down to the ground.If anyone could help me,it'd be Cassie.

"Hey,Angel.How's it going?I heard Rupert left." She spoke clearly into the phone.I heard moving in the background.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that." I looked at the kettle. "When Tom left for movies,how'd'd"

"How'd I get along without him." I heard her smile.I nodded expecting her to see.It seemed like she knew,so she went on, "it wasn't hard.I got awfully bored,but sooner or later I got to see him.He called me and I was okay with just that."

"Thanks Cas." I smiled.I was going to be alright.I could make it through this. "Thank you really.If you ever want to come over sometime,just call please."

I heard her giggle. "No problem,Angel.Believe me,I'll call."

"Thanks Cas,I'll talk to you later."

"Goodbye." She hung up.I hung the phone and felt better.I could get through these two or three months without him.My life doesn't revolve around Rupert.I was a strong independent young lady.

You're not that young.You're not strong and you're not independent.

Don't you have your own life?Go make your own life and stop using me to fulfil your dreams.

I shook her off and heard the kettle shout.I took it off the stove and poured water into a cup.I put ginger,lemon,and mint into the cup.I added honey and stirred.I chugged it down.The taste was horrible.It was nothing like my mother's.I looked at the phone again.I picked it up quickly and my fingers automatically dialed.

"Hey Angel!" Emma voice always brightened up my day.I smiled.

"Hey Emma.I was wondering if you want to go shopping with a bunch of friends and I?" I bit my lip and looked at the time.It was still sunny outside and it wasn't that early.

"Sure.I'll be over in a bit."

"Okay,I'll see you later." I smiled and hung up.

I was going to have to get over this next two or three months.I need distractions.



Hey,guys I honestly love the comments and feedback I'm getting.I just need more.I'm sorry for asking,but I want more.I'm sorry if Angel seems crazy in here,but she really is.Or is she?

I really held this note to say,I'm going to be in Arkansas and if there isn't internet in the hotel I'm staying at then I can't upload,but that's not for another couple of weeks.

I'm also going to Austin,but my brother has internet at his house and that isn't until another couple of weeks.

I love you guys and y'all are awesomely awesome and epicly epic.

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