How To Save A Life

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"Hurry up.Your father is almost home!"My mother rushed me upstairs to pack my back and put a coat on.I quickly sprinted upstairs and packed.My sister next to me.Sweat beamed off our foreheads as we rushed.My black hair in a messy bun.

"ALICIA!!"I heard my father  at my mum as the door slammed.My sister and I threw our bags out the window as the smell of beer wondered up our noses.My dad has been drinking again.I started to climb out the window,but I stopped when I heard a crash.I jotted back in and got in front of my mother with my arms up.My dad just simply threw me out the way on the staircase.

Something wet and thick filled my mouth.Blood is thicker than water.I grabbed the side of my stomach.It stung and was bruised.I looked up to see a hole in the wall and my mom running to my side.She helped me up and we closed the door.We quickly climbed out the window and ran to the car.

My mom started the car and we drove to the airport.We got there and my mom showed us to our plan."Now go and mommy will be there in a couple of weeks with daddy having a better temper and attitude."She hugged my sister and I.My big brown eyes filled with tears didn't want to go without her.

"Mom,we can't go without you.Come with us and dad will get better and find us.Please,mom don't leave us."My sister hugged my mom as her tears fill from her face.

"Go,go now before you miss your plane."My mom pushed us and we looked back with every step we took.I was just ten at the time and my sister was fourteen.We were going to leave with my grandma in England until my mom came with my dad from Texas.My three older brothers were in college.

After our long plane ride,my grandmother picked us up with a smile."Rose,Angel it's been so long."I haven't seen my grandmother since she gave up on my father's drinking problems and tried to help him.

"Everything is going to get better."My grandma assured us.Or at least we thought everything was going to get better,but instead I think it got works.My mother came with my father a year later and he seemed clean and sober until one day we got home he started to drink and get frustrated and hit us.My mother cried that night and my sister and we weren't used to that.She then got  a divorce and had custody battles.We were to visit my dad twice each month.My mom found someone new and got remarried.Well,I guess I know why the cage bird sings.

Years later-April 16

"Angel,Angel.Wake up Angel."I heard my mother honey voice calling me.I woke up to find her brown tired eyes in my face.She smiled and handed a cupcake to me with a candle in it.I sat up and took the cupcake.

"Happy Birthday,baby girl.Make a wish."She lit the candle.I closed my eyes tight and blew out the candle.I open my eyes to find my mother still smiling.I slowly began to eat the cupcake as she walked around the room picking up some of the clothes on my room floor.

"Your father is not going to like it if he doesn't see you on your birthday."She threw my clothes in the clothing hamper.My floor was now spotless.I got up and made up my bed.

"I could really care less if he doesn't like it.I'm passed eighteen and the judge said it's my decision to see him or not."I said laying back down on my bed.I looked at her.Fear was in her eyes.I looked deep into those eyes.

"You should care.You should care,Angel.I want you to be like normal and not deal with this thing tha-"My mother was starting to get scared.I didn't like when she got scared.It always made me feel bad.

"Mom,he lied to us.To his own flesh and blood.Face it mom,he's hopeless.He put his hand on the ones he loved and I doubt even loves us.He was never there for us.When he was,there it was always a fist to our face or something.I can be manipulated only so many freaking time,mom.I don't think I can say I love you to him anymore.It feels like a lie."I said to my mom.I looked at her.Tears pouring down her face.I hugged her.

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