How To Save A Life[chapter 19]

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"Angel,what do you do when he's not home?" Emma asked.I looked over at the lake.Emma and I were having a picnic.I looked at round sunglasses rested upon her face and her sunhat shadowing her.Two weeks passed since Rupert's been gone.He called and told me,exactly,"I only have three more weeks."

"I either stay home or go out with friends,but he barely leaves,so I honestly just do whatever he wants to do." I picked up a grape and popped it in my mouth.I felt her eyes on me.Emma got up.

She smiled. "We're going to have a girls night.Invite friends.I'll invite Bonnie.Do invite Alex and Layla." I got up and let my eyes wonder.

"I dunno.What exactly are we doing?I don't want to be reckless or get in trouble." I bit my lip.Emma's jaw dropped.

"Angel,the reckless one.Angel,the dangerous one.Angel,the don't take anyone's crap one." I laughed.

"You're right." I looked down at my shoes.What was I getting myself into?It was Emma.Anything could happen with Emma around.She's just that ugh.

"Yay!" She jumped up and down. "I already have this planned out.We go out for drinks,dance,have fun,and then afterwards,we're going to go to one of our house,change into our pajamas,and watch movies all night." Emma smiled.

"How long have you been planning this?" I shook my head and laughed.I sat back down.She sat next to me.

"Since Rupert left." She took off her sunglasses. "We need a house." She pouted.

"We can chill at Rupert's." I grabbed another grape.

Emma frowned at me and shook her head. "You two have been dating and living with each other for months.Your belongings are there.You're now allowed to call it your house,too."

Maybe Emma was right.I could call it my house. "Then we can have it at my house.When is this all going on?" I asked.

Emma smile grew back on her face. "Tonight."

I sighed.She's always filled with surprise.


"Girls just want to have.Oh,girls just want to have fun." Alex and Emma sung as they poured themselves a glass of wine.I looked in the mirror.I looked pleasant.My long curly hair brushed and out of my face.I wore a black dress.It was tight,but not too tight.

"We can't all get hammered.One of us has to stay sober." Layla said as Bonnie and Cassie walked out the bathroom.

"Well,Alex and Emma are out." I said walking into the kitchen,taking the bottle of wine,and putting it in the refrigerator.

"I don't really drink,so I'll drive." Cassie said.The dress she wore was perfect for her.She was tall and it fit tall.

"Whose car are we taking?" Alex asked. "I don't have enough room in my car for the six of us." I thought for a minute.The vehicles Rupert and I have don't have enough room.

"We can take my car.I'm pretty sure eight seats can hold us." Bonnie announced. "I won't drink that much either,so if you want I can drive there."

Emma downed her glass of wine. "Let's hit the road." I put on the platform heels Emma lent me.Hopefully,I won't fall tonight.

"Wait,let's get a picture." Emma took out her phone.We put our heads together and Emma took the picture.


A drink was in my hand,the music was loud,and dancing was the only thing on my mind.A huge smile was stuck on my face.I have never felt this way before.I like this feeling.This feeling was amazing.Tingling.Yes,that felt amazing.

Fun.I have never had this much fun.This was amazing.The sensation.I never want it to end.I loved being in the middle of the dance floor with Alex,Bonnie,Cassie,Emma,and Layla.Let this feeling last forever and carry on with me through life.

The dancing soon ended and it was time to go.We walked outside laughing. "That was the best night of my night." I said through laughter as we walked to the car.

"The night's still young." Emma cheered and hooked arms with Alex.

"Angel,do you have anything sweet at your house?" Layla hooked arms with Cassie.I stopped and thought.

I continued walking and hooked arms with Bonnie. "No,but we should stop by the store and buy some." Emma started cheering again. "Bonnie,you have beautiful long red hair."

Bonnie smiled.She did have a drink or two. "Thank you,Angel.You have beautiful long black curly hair."

"You really think so?" I laid my head on her shoulder.I had to just met her,but she was amazing.

She nodded. "It's really beautiful." Bonnie put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Cassie,have you ever straightened your hair?" Layla asked as we got into Bonnie's car.

"I don't really straighten it.I just go with it like it is." Cassie got into the driver's seat.

Layla gasped and then grinned. "We should straighten it tonight.It'd look so pretty.I've never seen Angel's hair straightened before either.Tonight's going to be fun."


After we practically bought ever junk food in the store,we'd placed them in the car.I got in a shopping cart with Emma. "Alex,give us a push or spin." Alex gave us a weird look before spinning us.I threw my hands up in the air.Emma and I were being pushed around in the shopping cart.

Emma and I stayed in one shopping cart and Cassie and Alex got into another.Layla and Bonnie pushed the shopping carts together and each hopped in one.

"You sir,please,can you take a picture?" Emma asked.The man,who looked like he was only a teenager,took pictures of us on all of our phones.


Sleeping Beauty.Yes,we decided to watch Disney movies all night.Cookies were on the flower,bowls of ice cream were out,cupcakes were all over our faces,and chocolate bars were eaten.

"Emma,this was the best night of my life." Emma and I were the only ones awake.

She smiled and closed her eyes, "I do make memories." Emma yawned. "Goodnight,Angel."

I slightly smiled. "Goodnight, Emma."


I really like this chapter,but I didn't like the way I wrote it.This writing is unbearable.I'm forced to type on this tablet and it's twelve a.m.

Night guys.

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