How To Save A Life[Chapter 9]

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I opened my eyes and it was fuzzy.I blinked and I instantly knew I wasn't wearing my contacts.I moved and felt a sharp pain in my leg.I remember getting crushed,falling,rolling,and getting hit in the face.I shot up and tried to get down.My leg hurt,but I starting walking.

"Rose.Rose."I walked towards the white and felt something touch my shoulder.I turned around and punched them right in the nose.It wasn't hard enough to break the nose,but bruise it and make it bleed.

"Ow,Angel.I didn't mean to scare you.I heard Rupert's voice and looked at his ginger hair.Everything was fuzzy,but he stuck out.I instantly hugged him.He hugged back and walked me to the bed.He gave me my glasses.

"I'm so sorry," I looked down, "I should've never went.You told me you didn't want me there,but I just had to be stupid and not listen.It's my fault and I'm sorry for this."

"It's not your fault,Angel.It's never your fault.I'm just glad you're safe and with me."He pulled my chin up.I smiled and he smiled right back.

"How long have I've been out?"

"About three weeks."

"What!"My eyes grew huge.

"Relax.You got up sometimes,but you were all drugged up." He laughed.I felt my cheeks burn. "Oh, and I'm so sorry about your gold fish Spot."

"That's personnal." I playfully hit him on the arm. "I'm sorry for punching you."

"It's alright.It's not bleeding only bruised,but that was a good hit."He smiled and I laughed.

"I used to be a kick boxer and I took karate."

"Really?Well,there's some things I don't know about you."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me."I smirked.

"Well,we'll just have to change that."He said and scooted closer.

"I guess we will."I scooted closer to him.He put his arm around me.

"When can I leave?"I sighed.

"They said today,but you'll need someone to help you get around.Your ribs are much better,but your cast on your leg won't be off until next week."

I looked at him and he looked right back at me.I kissed him and he kissed back.I deepened the kiss and wrapped my arms around him.He lowered his hands to my waist and I shoved my tongue in his mouth and found his tongue.

"Miss Jones." A lady walked in with brown curly hair.Rupert and I stopped and looked at her.My tongue was still in his mouth. "I'll come back later." We pulled away when she left.

"Bloody hell woman.You're going to get me in trouble." He said as I burst out laughing.He looked at me. "You think this is funny?" He smiled.

"I think it's hilarious!" I continued laughing.He laughed with me.We both stopped.

"So somebody needs to watch you right?" He arched an eyebrow.

"That's what you said." I reassured him.

"Remember when I told you I wanted yo to live with me?" He smirked.I looked at him and he smiled.

"Yeah?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well,get ready because you get to live with a ginger." His smile was huge and I laughed.

"Just what I always wanted,to live with a ginger!" i made a surprised face.He laughed.

"You know you want to.I'm one of the sexy gingers!"He flexed and laughed.I rolled my eyes and he kissed my cheek.The nurse walked back in.

"Are you ready to check out?" She asked with her cheeks burning red.I nodded. "Well,let's get you ready." She said.

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