How To Save A Life[Chapter 12]

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I walked downstairs wearing black pants,a black and white shirt,and converse.Rupert was sitting on the couch wearing a blue shirt with an anchor,black jean,and a jacket.He saw me and smiled.He patted the couch.I rolled my eyes,went over to him,and sat on his lap.

"Well,hello there." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.I dug my face into his neck.

"What movie are we going to go see?" I asked looking into his eyes.He looked back into mines and I had the urge to kiss him.

"Chronicle." He replied and pulled me closer.I wrapped my arms his waist and smiled.

"You say it funny." I laughed.He chuckled and kissed my forehead.

"How do I say it?" He smirked.

"With a sexy british accent like this." I said in a british accent.He laughed.

"That's sexier than my accent." He smiled." Not sexier than your Texan accent,but it was sexy."

"I want to hear your Texan accent." I bounced up and down.He stopped me.

Howdy,how y'all doin'." He made a Texan accent.I laughed.

"That was better than mines." I smiled.He shook his head.

"Your accent may be better than mines,but I'm the better kisser." I smiled biting my lip.He looked a me and picked me up.I giggled.

"Says who?" Rupert taunted.

"I know Spanish fluently.I learned when I was in Texas.I learned how to roll my tongue,which makes the kiss better." I flirted.

"I've never felt this tongue being rolled." He pointed his tongue at my tongue.I kissed him and then licked his lips.I stuck my tongue in his mouth.I rolled my tongue as it explored his mouth.We stopped.I looked at him.

"First of all,Damn.Second,why haven't you done that before?Third,will you ever do it again?" He questioned.I laughed and pecked his cheek.

"It only happens sometimes." I jumped down.He laughed.He got his keys and I opened the front door.I stepped out and it was warm.Rupert closed the door and locked it.We hopped in his car and drove to the movies.

We arrived at the movie threate and got out.He paid for the tickets .We went to our room number and got a seat at the very top.There was only about five groups of three in there.Rupert pulled up the arm rest and pulled me closer to him.I rested my head on his shoulder.He kissed the top of my head.The movie begun and I snuggled into Rupert.


"How'd you like the movie?" He asked as we walked down the pier.It had rides and games.He was holding my hand and my stomach was churning.

"It was a good movie.I never thought it was going to be that good." I replied and he laughed.

 "Tomorrow,it'll be the third month of our relationship." He said it out of nowhere.I looked at him.

"You've been counting." I smiled.He chuckled.

"You've been doing it too,haven't you?" He smiled.I looked away trying not to laugh.He pulled me close to him.I got on my tippy toes and our lips met.It was filled with passion and sweetness.Cinnamon and mint filled my mouth.I put my hands on his waist and he hooked his fingers in my belt loop.He rocked us to whatever beat that was in his head.We pulled away and smiled.

"Angel,I have something to tell you." He said.I looked at him.

"What's up?" I asked casually.He looked into my eyes and I looked back.

"I..uh.I.." He begun.I nodded my head,signaling him to continue. "I love you,Angel." He finally said.My eyes widened and then I smiled.The ride started again.

"I love you too,Rupert." I said as he smiled.

"Well,in that case." He wrapped his arms around me and attacked me with kisses.I giggled as he kissed down my neck and to my mouth.He stopped and looked me in the eyes.I gently bit his lip.

"That made your lip biting even sexier." He mumbled.I laughed and let go of his lip.

The rest of the night,was amazing.We played games and he won me a blue and white panda.Yeah,I thought pandas were suppose to be black and white.We were on the car ride home when my phone buzzed.

"Angel,the doctor call my house and told me you have another appointment for-" It was my mother's voice.I cut her off.

"Yeah,I know,but I just don't want to go." I said truthfully.My mom sighed.

"You have to go so we can see how to fix down-"

"Mom,this is probably the most awkward conversation we had." My cheeks burned.Rupert laughed.

"Well,I have to call you back and it's not as awkward as the talk." She reminded me.

"I'm hanging up." I said and heard her laugh.I hung up and looked at Rupert.He arched an eyebrow.

"I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow,so I'm going to need a ride." I looked at him batting my eyelashes.

"Sure,what's wrong?" He asked looking at the road.

"Nothing just a check up." I lied.He doesn't need to know.Not now at least.I can keep it to myself and not feel guilty.Right?

"Oh,okay." He saw right through me.


The car arrived in the drive way.I looked at Rupert.He looked at me.He leaned over and pecked my mouth.I bit my lip and brought him back to my lips.He deepened the kiss and picked me up.We got out the car and to the front door.He opened it,still kissing me.The door opened and he put me down.His lips were still on mines as he kicked the door shut.I walked backwards until we hit the stairs.He picked me up and kissed me while going up.He opened the door to the bedroom and gently slammed me on the bed.I helped him take off my shirt and his shirt.He started biting my neck and I let out moans.I slid off my pants and he took his off.My senses kicked in and my eyes widened.

"Rupert." I said through my moans.He continued biting my neck and chest.I didn't want to stop,but I knew that it wasn't going to happen successfully.

"Rupert." I said again.He stopped and looked at me.

"Yeah?" He asked out of breath.I stared into his blue eyes.Those are my oceans.Nobody else's.

"I can't..I-I.I can't do this.I have'm sorry.I'm so sorry." I softly pushed him off of me,got my clothes, and left the room.I went into the other room locked the door and laid on the bed.I looked out the window.I got my phone out my pants pocket.I dialed Layla's number.

"Hello?" Layla asked tiredly.

"Rupert and I tried to have sex." I whispered into the phone.

"What,wait.Did he find out?" Layla seemed shocked.I shook my head and wiped the tears off my face.When did I start crying?

"No,he didn't.I stopped before things got too serious.He told me he loves me.I love him back,but I don't think I can bring myself into tell him."

"You're going to have to tell him sooner or later." She sighed.

"I know.In the morning,can you come and get me?" I asked letting the tears pour down my face more.

"Yeah,I'll be there." Layla replied.I smiled an wiped away the tears.

"Thank you." I said before hanging up.I put my phone on the dresser and hugged my pillow.I cried softly.

"I can never have children." I sobbed.


What do you think Angel has? Comment.

Yes,Angel can have children,but there's something blocking her from that.

I swear it's not Aids.

Hint: It's an episode of True Life.If you go on,you can watch it there.

That's all I'm giving.

How To Save A LifeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz