Chapter Twenty Seven- Mortals

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  • Dedicated to Ailsa Mole

"Lock her up!" The Empress ordered, a small smug smile fixed onto her lips.

The soldier that released Iasa directed her back to the open cage. Eboni watched as she made her way back inside without any argument.

Catching her eye Eboni knew they were thinking the same thought- soon.

The lock clicked shut behind Iasa and they were all sealed inside iron bars once more.

The Empress stood from her throne, taking three slow, purposeful steps towards the wall of the balcony. She held her head high, the jewels dripping from her neck and crown reflecting the glaring sun.

"People of Admari. These people are claiming to each hold a part of the soul of our God Elementi. But there they are- locked in cages. Mortals. The man beside me. He holds true power. So, I say to you- pretenders. Prove it."

Eboni looked to the others. Atu nodded, first at Kas, then at Eboni.

The Empress wanted proof? Did she think they were lying? That they were so weak they would be no match for her?

Eboni set her hands on the bars in front of her. Drawing energy from the humid air surrounding her. The bars beneath her palms prickled as power flowed through them, sparking under her palms before the metal melted away. She looked over to Kas to find him staring at her, a huge smile on his lips.

She rolled her eyes 'your turn' she mouthed.

Branches shout out of the ground winding themselves around Kas's cage, snaking in and out of the bars, pulling taught.

"Ready?" Kas bellowed over the mixed shouts of awe and horror of the audience.


The bars of her cage shattered as she flung out her arms- screams flying through the audience.

Turning back to Kas she saw branches splayed across the circle clutching iron bars in their wooden grasp.

The screaming intensified, looking to the audience she saw the beginning of sheer panic.

The Empress was still stood staring at the cages, she scowled as her gaze locked with Eboni's.

Tearing her eyes away Eboni turned to her friends who were still locked in the cages.

"Atu, I need a soft wind to amplify my voice over the crowd." She shouted.

A light wind picked up, it flew around in a circle just off the ground so it didn't pick up any sand.

"My name is Sister Eboni of God's Land. I was given my power to destroy the Darkness that has started to seep its way into our lives." She shouted, her voice carrying in the wind over the screams and shouts panic.

"They came to my home- they attacked God's Land. My brother, Princes Iasa and I fled for our lives! But they followed us and attacked us again in Sher woods- they kill without mercy or reason.

But they have been in Admari for a long time- can't you feel it? Your fields are barren, wells are dry. Your Empress has been turned from the light by the man sat beside her!

The Darkness will seep away all that is good from our souls. We need to fight it! Join us! Help us finish our creators work! Help us destroy the Darkness once and for all."

Eboni nodded to Atu, the wind dropping from the air.

Kas ran to her side. "We have done all we can, now it is up to the people."

They looked up the Empress, both her and the Dark One were stood up, their faces etched with fury.

"Kill them!" The Empress screamed, her voice piercing the air.

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