74.William announces Will's arrival.

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As they stood there in the dimly lit room, Aru's mind became a tumultuous sea of conflicting emotions. The words William spoke reverberated in her ears, each syllable carrying a weight she couldn't quite comprehend. It was as if the very air around them had thickened with the gravity of his revelation.

"You should give her a chance, maybe she would love you better than me," she simply said, her voice soft yet laden with implications that hung in the air like a heavy fog.

Her heart began to pound in her chest as William's embrace tightened around her, enfolding her in a cocoon of warmth and uncertainty. His head rested on the crook of her neck, his breath gentle against her skin. Despite the comforting familiarity of his touch, Aru couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief that gnawed at her insides like a persistent ache.

"ARU, YOU ARE THE FIRST WOMAN WHO CAME INTO MY LIFE AND YOU WILL REMAIN MY LAST," he yelled at her, his voice breaking through the silence like a thunderclap, demanding attention and acknowledgment.

William's declaration reverberated in the air, punctuating the tension between them with a stark clarity. His words were like a storm, stirring up emotions Aru didn't know she had, pulling her deeper into the maelstrom of their shared history.

William lifted his head, his eyes searching hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. In the depths of his gaze, Aru saw a glimpse of something ancient and unyielding, something that spoke of a connection that transcended time and space.

"Aru, there are truths about our past that you have yet to discover," he said softly, his voice a soothing balm against the turmoil raging within her. "But trust me when I say that our connection runs deeper than you could ever imagine."

Aru's mind raced with questions, her thoughts spinning as she tried to make sense of William's words. How could she have known him for so long without even realizing it? What secrets lay hidden in the recesses of her memory, waiting to be unearthed like buried treasure?

Before she could voice her confusion, William's lips found the sensitive skin of her neck, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins. Her breath caught in her throat as he spoke, his words a whispered promise against her skin, igniting a fire that burned deep within her soul.

"You will know everything on my birthday, Aru," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear. "Our relationship is not ordinary. It's eternal."

Aru's head swam with a dizzying mix of emotions as William's words washed over her, enveloping her in a cocoon of warmth and uncertainty. She wanted to believe him, to trust in the love that seemed to bind them together across time and space. But doubts lingered in the back of her mind, whispering of uncertainties she couldn't ignore, casting shadows across the fragile sanctuary they had built together .

"William, what did you do with them?" she pulled him closer, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and curiosity.

"Nothing, just sent them to hell," he chuckled darkly, a bitter edge to his amusement.

"William, you killed everyone." Her eyes widened, disbelief and horror mingling in her gaze as she struggled to comprehend the magnitude of his actions.

"What do you expect me to do? Leave them to ruin both our lives?" His voice was low, filled with a simmering resentment that betrayed years of pent-up anger and frustration. "Killing your parents, even though they tried to kill me numerous times, I let them off easily. My entire life, I searched for them and waited for that moment, but unfortunately, you came into this mess. Either way, their death was already decided when they chose William as an enemy," he explained, his words heavy with the weight of his past.

"William, I didn't say you should leave them. I wanted to say you should give them to the cops; they will handle everything," she implored, desperation coloring her voice as she reached out to grasp his hand, her touch a lifeline in the darkness threatening to consume them.

"Your father was also a cop. What happened to him?" His eyes darkened with remembered pain, a haunted expression flickering across his features. "They tricked and killed your father brutally, then framed it as an accident. Nevertheless, even though it happened to us, I stayed strong for you, always. I waited so long, and when I found them, I would kill them with my own bare hands, especially since they were the cause of our separation. I would never let them go easily, especially when they hurt you. What do you think of me?" he looked directly at her, his gaze searching for understanding amidst the chaos of their emotions.

"William, I'm scared if you did anything, then I will never forgive myself. I've already lost everything in life, but—" Her voice broke as tears welled up in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks unchecked, her vulnerability laid bare before him.

"Shhhh, it's alright. I'm not going anywhere," he murmured softly, enfolding her in a gentle embrace, his warmth a comforting anchor in the storm of emotions threatening to overwhelm them both.

"Why, William? Why did they kill my parents? If they hadn't killed them, I would never have left Will. They are the reason I left him in darkness," she sobbed into his chest, her words muffled against the fabric of his shirt, each syllable a painful reminder of the losses they had endured.

"I told you earlier, you will meet him on my birthday, so don't cry. You know I hate your tears; they're so special. Don't waste them," he wiped her tears tenderly, his touch gentle against her skin, a silent vow to protect her from further harm.

"William—" She began, but he silenced her with a gentle gesture, placing a finger on her lips, his touch a wordless promise of reassurance and support.

"Let's go, Aru. I haven't eaten anything for two days; I'm starving," he said with a playful grin, lifting her onto his shoulder in one swift motion, his strength a testament to his unwavering resolve to protect her at all costs.

"William, put me down, you King brat," she protested half-heartedly, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes, her resistance a feeble attempt to conceal the affection she felt for him.

"Not yet, baby girl," he teased, carrying her to the dining area with ease, his laughter echoing through the empty halls as they retreated into the safety of their own little world.

Later, William settled into a chair, and as usual, she perched herself on his lap, their closeness a silent reassurance amidst the chaos surrounding them, their bond unbreakable in the face of adversity.

"You know, I'm surprised. How can you hold this much power after a long fight?" She cupped his face gently, her touch grounding him in reality, her love a beacon of hope in the darkness threatening to engulf them both.

"Your man is almighty; he can do anything for you," he whispered, his voice filled with unwavering devotion as he encircled her waist possessively, his love a shield against the trials and tribulations that lay ahead.

"Yeah, you know your almighty power won't work if you don't eat. So now tell me, King brat, why didn't you eat for the last few days?" She tilted her head, a playful glint in her eyes, her teasing a welcome distraction from the weight of their shared burdens.

"Simply because I wanted to eat with you. That's why I skipped my meals. Now I want you to feed me lovingly, as you always do," he nuzzled at her nape affectionately, his hunger not just for food but for her presence evident in every touch, his desire to be close to her a constant source of comfort in a world filled with uncertainty.

"Aish, this man, seriously," she chuckled softly, her eyes sparkling with affection as she playfully rolled her eyes at his antics, her laughter a melody that echoed through the empty room, filling the space with warmth and light.

Later on, she fed him as she always did, each morsel a silent promise of love and devotion in a world fraught with uncertainty and danger, their bond unbreakable in the face of adversity, their love a beacon of hope in the darkness threatening to engulf them both.

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A Lots Of Love 💕
From Your Author,
15April 2024

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