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I'm woken up with some noise coming from outside. I take my phone from the night table to check the time. Fuck it's ten in the morning. I try not to panic, as fast as I can I change into pair of jeans and black t-shirt I brought with me the night before. I fix the bed. In the bathroom I wash my face, while I'm brushing my teeth I remember how I told Eric I will be gone before he wakes up. Another great day in front of me, I mean it in sarcastic way.

I pack my stuff into the bag. I make sure everything is the same way like when I came here. I open door from my room and as quietly as I can I walk to the elevator, hoping he is not at home.

''Are you sneaking out?'' He asks from behind me.

I turn around feeling like I have been caught again. ''Good morning, last night I said I will leave before you wake up. You are awake and I'm still here, I better leave now.'' Why I'm so awkward is out of my understanding.

He must think I'm super crazy. In relaxed pose looking at me. ''I drove you here yesterday. Have a breakfast with me and I will drive you home after.'' He suggests.

I don't know if the girls are back. My car is not here. I have nowhere to go with working toilet. ''Ok. Can I at least help you with the breakfast?''

He smiles, here we come again I can't take my eyes of his face when he does. ''No need Hazel. I have everything prepared on terrace.'' Of course he has, I slept like a baby while he cooked breakfast, shame on me.

I walk with him though the hall. This time I walk beside him not behind him. I notice he is taller then Alex. He might be 6'' foot tall maybe 6''1'' .My head in the level with his shoulder. ''What time did you get up?'' I ask when I see how fresh he is.

He looks down at me. ''I woke up at half six. Did you sleep well?'' Oh boy he knows I did, but he probably didn't. Who on earth wakes up at half six on Saturday morning. But then maybe it's just me, I prefer to lie in. In my last job I used to come home late and sleep in every day. I look up at him. ''To be honest I slept like a baby. I set up alarm clock for 7 but I didn't get up. I probably snoozed it. You know it is kind of your fault, who puts cloud mattress into guest bedroom?'' I envy people who manage to get up with a first round of alarm.

He chuckles but doesn't say anything.

We reach the terrace and I might be still dreaming. There is a table full of food. Veg and fruit. Bacon, cream, eggs , toast, coffee. What surprise me most is white roses in the middle of table. ''Are you expecting more people to join us for breakfast?'' There is no way all this food is for us.

He sits down in on the sofa. ''No, I didn't know what you like, I made little bit of everything.''

I'm convinced now, he is gay and didn't come up out of closet yet. There is no reason why he wouldn't have girlfriend when he cooks too. I take sit across form him. Armchair looks comfortable and I kind of want to look at him when he talks. Sometimes he lets emotion show on his face and I like it. It allows me to read him better. But then again what do I know, I'm not good at reading people, my past is the proof. ''That is very kind of you for preparing all of this. You must have weak spot for strangers in need of your help.'' I laugh at my own joke.

He smiles back. ''I do for some. Would you like some coffee?'' He is holding jar and is ready to pour me some.

I smile at him. ''No thank you.'' I don't like coffee. I love tea but he doesn't know that. I take a plate and put some eggs, cucumber and toast on it. Out of curiosity I ask him. ''Do you work on Saturdays?'' He takes sip of his coffee. It's a slow peaceful sip, he loves it, it shows the way he is drinking it. Cup is still in his hand when he answers.

''I work Saturdays if I need to. I like to have weekends for myself.'' He takes another sip of coffee. I should let him to enjoy breakfast, but he is interesting, so I keep going.

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