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''Hazel bring your black dress too, hen night theme is black and white like a wedding.'' April says into my ear over the phone. This is our fifth phone call this morning. I told her whatever I forget I can buy later. She doesn't listen because she is the maid of honour and I have to pay for leaving the city and leaving her to deal with Monica. She likes to remind me that every time we facetime each other.

''I will, anything else? I want to hit the road before morning traffic.'' I'm going for five days but April made me pack for two weeks and for some reason I always listen to her. She definitely got some plans in her pretty head she didn't share with me yet.

''Drive safe, can't wait to see you.'' She says with excitement in her voice.

''Me too, hope cake will survive the trip.'' I tease her.

She chuckles. ''It sure will, and if not, I don't mind fixing it. I bet is big, pink and delicious.''

I laugh, ''See you later.''

''See you.''

I put bags into trunk, cake with small cakes are on the back seat. My mam offered to make them when she heard I'm going to hen party. Any cake she touches is delicious, her offer was more than accepted by me. She made one big dick for Monica and eleven small ones for rest of us. What kind of hen party that would if dicks are not involved ?

''Mom thank you for everything. I will see you when I get back.'' She kisses me cheeks. ''Darling, have a great time, enjoy it.'' Dad had to work, and mom brought cakes in the morning and staying here until I leave.

I start on engine, wave at her and pull out from driveway. Four hours drive to my destination if I'm lucky with traffic. My anxiety gets bigger with every minute. I'm prepared to face him,so why I'm getting nervous thinking about it. He will be in the wedding. It is unavoidable situation. He moved on while he was with me,why do I do this to myself?
Because I loved him, and he was good, too good to be true. I change music to book set up on my phone and listen audio book about true love, only if it was like it in the real world.

Finding a parking spot on Wednesday midday is not bad, I park nearest her building. I check the cakes, thanks to cold temperatures outside they are still intact. I ring April. I see her walking to me in less than two minutes. "Hazel." She hugs me and doesn't let go for while. "Come," she takes my bag and cakes and I follow her carrying rest of the things.

''It's so good to have you back.'' She says carrying dicks in box.

''It feels weird to be back, it's like I never lived here before.'' I speak. ''I'm happy to see you and looking forward to celebrating Monica's last days of single life. It will be fun tonight, but the wedding, I don't know if I get to enjoy it the way I would normally.'' I'm honest with her. She hands me cakes, I take them of them, and she opens door to her apartment. She takes cakes back from me and we walk in.

''You are scared because Eric will be there.'' She knows, she knows. She was there when we saw him.

''Yes.'' I answer. She turns to face me. ''Hazel I will be by your side the whole time, don't worry it will go smooth. You will have fun.''

''I hope so.'' I really do.


All Monica's friends meet with us at the restaurant for meal and by meal I mean drinks. None of them care about food, it's all about getting drunk and have as much fun as possible. Dicks cakes are huge success, every girl takes a loads pictures with them. Mom will be delighted with herself when I show her photos.

''Hazel, you look beautiful tonight.'' April tells to me.

''Stop it, look at yourself, you can have any man you point your finger at.'' She has one shoulder black dress, is short, but April is smaller then me so it looks amazing on her. She died her hair ash blond two weeks ago and has it brushed into one side, her lips are red ready to kiss. On the other side I'm wearing the black dress I had on several times, my hair is in high ponytail, straight and silk, make up is simple with a nude lip. I look nothing special and if it was up to me, I would wear big turtleneck and jeans, but I can't so here I'm wearing dress again.

Decision or Destiny ?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ