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Having my own shop is different than going to work, it's challenging and exciting with a bit difficulty here and there. When Friday finally comes, I'm more than happy to welcome it with open arms. Morning goes slowly, I work on stocktake to see what is selling and what is not when like a storm woman in her late fifties walks in, she doesn't bother with greeting and sticks her phone in my face to shows me her reference number. Order is for a big bouquet of lilies. I have it all ready. I pick the flowers out of the bucket and give it her. She looks at me and with annoying tone says. "That's not what I ordered."  Shop was not busy, I'm sure I didn't make mistake.

"Let me check the order." I say calmly, who hurt her today, flowers should make her happy not mad.
"I wanted tulips not lilies, you messed this up young lady. I knew buying from new place isn't a good idea." Her forehead wrinkles, showing her anger even more than her tone.

Hold on a minute.  I pull out my phone and place it in front of her.
"Madam I didn't mess it up, order was for lilies."
She gets red in her face and looks even angrier than before. She pulls herself together quickly before anger takes over her.
''My husband or his secretary messed this one out." At least her anger is not pointed to me this time. "That's ok it happens." It doesn't but there is first for everything. I walk to the bucket where are some tulips left and bring them to the counter. I tie them with yellow ribbon and hand them over to her. "Here Madam, they are for you too."
She looks me up and down. "But order is for lilies. "
I nod. "It is, but tulips are from me to you. I don't have many left, this is best I can do."
She takes out her purse. "How much do I owe you?"
I put my hand up. "That's for free."
She looks surprised for a second.
"Thank you young lady."
I just smile again at her.
"Thank you. Have a nice weekend."
With last look at me she says. "You too." And she leaves.
I leave out heavy breath I was holding. Unhappy customer sorted.

Working in restaurant for years though me a loads of things. Never fight with customer and be as calm as possible. Different person different life story.
I didn't loose nothing when I gave her tulips for free but I feel better she left less angry.

"Hello? I'm home." I giggle and walk inside April's shop.

"Hazel,  I'm in the back , be with you in two minutes." She shouts back at me.

From the bag I brought I pick bottle of prosecco.  Glasses are kept in her special white gold framed sideboard which April bought as a bar and coffee station. I take out three glasses and make myself comfortable on her pink plush sofa. When I start pouring liquid into the glasses, store door opens and Monica walks in.

"Hello Beautiful." I get up and hug her.
She hugs me back. "Hi sexy." We giggle, I love her energy.
She looks at the glasses. "I can see you are ready for me, just what I was in mood for."

"Always." I pass her one of the glasses with a wink.

April walks in with what looks like black gown. "Hazel don't drink it yet. You need to try this on."
I get up, "Yes Boss."

She points finger in fitting room direction. "Go there and strip."

I grab glass of prosecco and drink little bit. April shakes her head.
Striped to my underwear I shout. "I'm ready. "

April walks in with the dress in her hand. "Put this on slowly."

She places dress on carpet on the floor and I step in the middle of the opening. April helps me and slowly we pick the top part and pull the dress up. I put my hands into sleeves while April fixes the back and closes the zip.
"Perfect just like the person who made it." April comments proudly on her own design. ''Now turn and tell me what you think.''

I turn around and see myself mirror, I'm amazed. The dress is dark grey with the Last thin ligher grey layer of mesh fabric which is completely covered with tiniest silver glitters. Small V neck is in the front of the top and larger V neck is on the back of the dress. Fitted top with long sleeves feels like a second skin on me. From the waistline goes multiple  layers of fabri. I walk in it and all dress sparkles when I move. "Wow, this dress is beautiful. I can't believe I get to wear it."

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