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Car pulls outside city hall, driver walks around and opens the door, Eric gets out first,  holding his hand out for me, I take it with anxiety starting to kick in. Im used to deal with reach people, posh was all about expensive meals and being seen but this is different, it's my first-time being part of the society I don't belong to. Feeling of not being able to fit in wonders into my head, i shake of my insecurities, knowing I'm good with people, having a small polite chat is what I'm excellent at, It earned me a load of tips in the past. Eric lowers his head. ''Hazel, are you ok?''

''I'm fine, just nervous. It will go away soon.'' I assure him with a fake smile. 

His lips nearly touch my ear whispering. ''It's ok, I will not leave you alone.'' Shiver runs from over my back, was that meant to calm me, because it has different effect.  He places his hand onto small back of mine, warmth from his body relaxes me, my attention shifting on him only, not the crowds around. We walk beside each other, I notice his face hardens all of the sudden, he still smiles but it's not genuine.

Eric hands invitation to a woman greeting us, in two seconds we are dragged by some short women in black gown in front to photographers. ''Picture time.'' She says and leaves.

We are told to stand on x  sign on the floor. It has perfect angle to get guest and event poster in the picture. Eric places his left hand around my vaist and I place mine on his back, squeezing his tuxedo bottom.
''Hazel.'' I look up to face him.

''You look stunning'' I smile, he knows what he is doing, he is distracting me.

''Mr. Blackstone is that your girlfriend?'' One photographer asks.

Eric looks at me and then looks at them, he takes my hand into his and leads me inside without answering their question. We walk through long hall with people standing on each side chatting with each other, some of them holding drink, some waving at Eric. He doesn't stop and leads me to a big double brown door, they open and I'm in eve. Big, round tables with large white table clothes on them are placed strategically all over room. Wooden chairs have white ribbon with charity logo on it. Ceiling is the most impressive thing I saw in my life. It is all covered with white flowers, some of them are arranged like a drops, some are spread all the way, there is not an empty spot to see the ceiling. Same flowers are centre piece for each table. All decoration looks impressive with more like a wedding venue then charity one. Maybe if they spent money on the charity instead of this there would be not need for this event.

Eric leads us to our table. I follow him like a lost puppy trying not to trip over my dress.

''What do you think?'' He ask me when we sit down. 

I look around to get second impression. ''I like it for the wedding. For charity, isn't it to extravagant? Flowers alone here cost fortune.''

Eric is watching me watching everything. ''That's people with loads of money. It's more for show, charity is just bonus to it.'' He gets up. ''I will get us drinks, would you like a vodka?'' 

Blush creps into my face again. ''I would like a glass of prosecco.'' He nods and leaves. Did I have to get drunk in his place? If I just knew I would see him again I would never do it. Memories of that night come back to me, he was patient, calm, charming that weekend, only for me to messed it up. And the kiss, it's hard to look at Eric, it makes wonder what it would be to kiss him again.

''Night didn't start yet and he left you alone already?'' I turn my head fast to see who is talking.

Tall, handsome looking man with a green eye is smiling at me like he knows me. ''David?'' I saw him only once before, but it must be him.

''You have good memory Hazel.'' 

It's the confidence I remember. ''How are you?''

''Good, where is he? If you were here with me, I wouldn't let you from my side not even for a second.'' Is that a compliment? ''Eric went to get us drinks.'' Only God knows what Eric said to him about me.

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