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With few clicks in my phone, I find a number for Sean Adams the layer April sent me contact for and give him ring. Slowly talking I explain my situation to him, step by step on what happened on the day of the accident. The problem is I have no way of proving she left the shop all happy and healthy. We set on me dropping him my insurance papers on my break and him getting back to me as soon as possible for which I'm thankful. 

This day drags on and a bad feeling I have been feeling in my stomach gets worst with every time my phone rings. It's like I'm expecting the bad news but hoping for a good one. I check my phone if any orders came in. This app was best  investment for this shop, more than half of the orders comes into the shop from it. I find Message from Eric, my mood lights up instantly.

Hey baby, hope you don't miss me much because it doesn't look like I'm coming home soon. More time I spent here more things comes up. I wish you could be here with me, just one touch from you would take all the stress away. Love you more then you know xx

From outside I definitely look like a crazy girl smiling at the phone, but I can't help myself, he makes me happy. I type back. 

Dear Eric, you better sort things fast because I miss all of you. I like you dressed or naked. xx 

I text him and start to close a shop. My phone starts to ring, it's a Sean the layer. With a deep breath I press the green button my screen, ''Hi Sean.''

I hear noise of the paper. Someone coughs into the phone. ''Hello Hazel. Are you free to talk?''

I take a key and lock the front door. ''Yes, I can.''

''Hazel, I read your papers over and over and it's not good. She felt on Monday, got all paperwork from doctors in three days and filed a case against your shop same day.  She wants money."

"What are my options?"

"Hazel, unless we can prove she is healthy, you have two options both including  injury compensation of 100 000 dollars in her favour."

"This doesn't sound any good for my shop."

"It's not good. Your Insurance will cover the cost but it means  closure of your store.
Option two is we can go to court but with no evidence to support your side of the story, we will loose, and you will need to cover all cost."

Tears I couldn't hold anymore are in my eyes. No wonder I had a bad feeling all day, this was it. This is the end of my new start.  ''I want to go with option one. I want to have it over and done as fast as possible please.'' 

''I will be in contact Hazel.'' He hangs up.

My shop, Flowers for smile is done before it could bloom. Looking around I feel nostalgic, this is my baby, it all started here, my hope, my new life, what am going to do now? Tears start to fall, sadness takes over my body. I love this shop. I will miss you I say it to the empty space. I can't stop the tears , I go back to my place and make a cup of tea.

No point to postpone what is coming my way, I start to work to end this chapter of my life. I cancel all orders from flowers suppliers,  after all orders from customers and return their money. I close order section in the app so no more orders can be made online. Anything I don't need, tables and all accessories I will put online tomorrow for sale, what doesn't sell I will donate. I'm breaking my shop lease, I pop email to Alan from Blackstone real estate.

Hi Alan, 

This email is confidential. 

I'm closing business this Friday. Due to me breaking the contract I will be transferring rent money for rest of the contract to the account.  If there is anything else I must do please contact me via email. Shop will be cleared by end of the day this Friday. I will put keys into post box.

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