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With my handbag on my arm, I leave Eric's penthouse full of emotions. I still care about him, the feeling is surprising me, it scares me. I drive to a small restaurant I used to go when I had my Flower shop, I order a chicken soup, while the wait, I buy bananas, more crackers, dark chocolate and coke and sprite from small groceries on the street. Once the soup is ready, I drive back to his place, thank God I have keys, he probably would not let me in. I leave soup in the kitchen, rest of things I place on the plate with two glasses. I knock on his door, not waiting for answer I open it, he is lying on the bed naked, his torso covered with blanket,I can only hope he has underwear on.
"I told you to go." He doesn't say it angry, his tone is more of desperation.
"There is no way I leave you sick alone. I bought few things for you." I walk around the bed to put it on his table. He closes his eyes, maybe trying to ignore me but I keep going anyway. "I used to babysit my neighbour's kids, they got vomiting bag few times, these things always helped." I pour coke into glasses, passing him one, I take a second one. "Drink it, but only small bit at the time, otherwise you will upset your stomach again." He opens his eyes and  drinks little from it.
"Good, I will leave the door open, if you need anything, call me."
He is looking at me confused. "Why are you helping me?" Because my heart doesn't let me  leave you sick and alone. "Why not? You have been always helping me even when I didn't know it." I take my glass ready to leave. "Hazel stay." He taps his hand beside him. I smile at him, take my phone and glass and walk to the other side of bed. "Ok."
Sitting down I put my feet up, my head against headboard, I leave out breathe I was holding, at least his room is cool. This, us, on his bed feels normal not uncomfortable, like seven months without him didn't happen.

Opportunity like this will not come again, it's time to know the truth but before I send text Monica briefly about Eric. I take a deep breath, turn to face him. "Why didn't you tell me about apartment you rented me?"

He moves his head up. "What exactly?" I lift my eyebrows at him. "You cancelled the sale and rented it to me."
He shakes his head. "You were looking for place to live, I wanted to help you and the building was perfect, no neighbours, safe and mine."

I still don't understand why, we meet the night before and I wasn't nice to him. "Why Eric, you didn't know me that time."

I see his chest inhale deep breath, not missing how shredded he got since I saw him naked last time. "Hazel, you served me the night I broke it off with Jessica. That night you interntruiged me so much I went back second time to see you, to see waitress who gives out pitiful looks. You were working, but you didn't see me, it wasn't hard to figure out why, you were taken by chef. When he came out from the kitchen you become sunshine, the light in the dark restaurant.''
I stare at him.
He takes glass with coke. I don't say anything, I'm shocked. "When I saw you in the club you weren't sunshine anymore, darkness took over you and I wanted to know why, but you didn't let me. April and Monica told me about your breakup, your job and your living situation. I didn't know you then, but I wanted to. You were broken and I had the urge to fix you. I set up the ad for the apartment just for you, I wanted to help you to be the sunshine again, thanks to your friends, you rang about it and from there you know the rest.''
How did I miss it all of this. "The charity ball, was it your plan how to get me?" He smiles first time today, his dark blue eyes light up and I love it, even more than before. "I didn't even hope but you liked me at the time and spending time with you was enough for me."

Last question, "Why were you so cold to me at David's wedding?'' It bothered me when it shouldn't.

He runs his fingers thought his hair. "I was jealous, I knew we could not be together, you didn't want me, it was hard to see other man touching you right in front of my eyes."

"How did you know we can't be together?"

"You told me on night of Monica's hen, you were drunk and let's put it this way, very honest." He smirks, I don't remember one bit from that night, but his face shows I said a lot. "What else did I tell you?"

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