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''Get up Hazel.'' April pulls blanket of me. ''It's eight in the morning ,I need to go to work.''

I turn around. ''Why are you waking me? I want to sleep, I have headache, my stomach hurts and you are too loud.''  I'm not ready face today. 

''Your phone has been beeping and ringing all morning, I can't wake up Monica, her phone is going crazy, and I'm faced to deal with all of that noise. I need to make sure; everything is ok before I leave.'' She hands me glass of water because she is the best person in this world and knows me better than everyone else.

''I'm fine. I will take care of her.'' She kisses my cheek. ''Thanks Hazel, ring me later. We will do lunch.'' I nod wrapping myself into her soft blanket. I take my phone into my hands to check what is the emergency. Few misses call from unknown number and two from my dad. I forgot to ring him back yesterday. I dial his number and it starts to ring.  It only rings once and he answers. ''Good morning, Hazel. How was your last day in shop, you never rang me back.'' Hearing his voice makes me vulnerable. ''Daddy it was awful, all day was going from bad to worst.'' Tears start to push their way out. I'm back the small girl who needs her parents, the comfort only they can provide. I hear him take a deep breath. ''Tell me what happened.'' 

''Eric and I, we are no longer together. I moved out of his place. I don't have a job and I don't know what I'm going to do.'' He cheated on me, stupid me I trusted him with my life. How could I be so blind again. 

After a moment, dad starts talking calmly. ''Come home Hazel. You went through a lot over last couple of months. Come home for few weeks and see what you really want, I will take care of you until you figure things out.'' It could give me space and time I need. He is right, ''And you will not mind if I live with you?'' It doesn't take a beat and he speak. ''Hazel, I will love it to have you back. Mom misses you too.''

 It will be good to have time out and think, change a scenery, get out of here. It doesn't take me long to make a decision, ''You are right, I will pack my stuff and come home.'' I say, ''Thank you, dad.'' I'm glad I rang him back. Staying with him will be good for me. ''Can't wait to see you sweetheart.''

''Me too.'' We hang up. I get energized to go home and leave all bad memories behind. I walk to April's bedroom to wake up Monica.  ''Wakey wakey baby. I know you need more sleep but I'm leaving today, sleeping will have to wait.'' I pull her blanket from her getting some angry reaction.

''Leave me alone Hazel.'' She says and grabs blanket from me.

''I'm going to shower, when I come back, I want to see you fully awake. Or I will leave without you.''

I leave to the bathroom. I shower fast, not washing my hair saves me a lot of time. After I brush my teeth and put on April's moisturiser, I'm too lazy to find my own, I'm done, I leave bathroom and look for my bag. I take out clean underwear, jeans and hoody and put them on. Monica walks past me going straight into bathroom. I make cup of coffee for her, pack my things and place them by the door.

Monica comes out dressed in April's pants and top looking tired and sad. ''Here, this is for you.'' I hand her coffee and she nod as a thank you. I feel guilt, responsibility for her sadness, but I can't push her, not yet. She sits down sipping her coffee, I sit across from her and start to tell her my plan. ''I know you are not in mood but just listen to me. I'm leaving city today. I spoke with my dad, and I will stay with him until I figure things out. After you finish coffee, we will get taxi to get my car and then we will go to April's work to say good bey.''  She nods in understanding. We follow my plan in silence, she is upset, I want to help her, but I don't know how.

I open the door to the shop. ''Hi.''

April comes to me. ''Is it truth? Are you leaving today?''

I nod. ''Yes, it is.  April, I need to get my life together, figure out things, get away from all of this.. ''

She hugs me. ''For how long?''

I hug her back, ''I don't know but I will miss you very much.''

She moves to her pink sofa and pats space beside her. ''Is it because of Eric?''

''It's because of everything.'' Eric was last drop.

''What if he wants to talk to you?'' She asks and I smirk. ''He can fuck of, I don't want to see him or talk to him again. I just want to move on with my life. I will keep only good memory of him, he was good to me. I know he loved me I felt it, I wish him all the best in his life, but I wish better for myself. I got played twice, I think that's enough. I want to ask you and Monica not to mention him ever.  I mean not even if he gets married or dies, never mention him in front of me.'' I say with serious tone in my voice, so they know I meant every world I said.

''Off course. Whatever you wish Hazel. But we will miss you here.''

''I will miss you too.'' She hugs me and tears start to fall from her eyes. 

Monica walks in with two coffees. ''Hazel it will be not same without you.''

I laugh. ''I'm not dying, you can come and visit me anytime you are free. But first you need to sort out things with David.'' I tell her.  She sits down, places her legs under her bum. ''He has been ringing all morning, but I need to sober out to deal with him.''

The guilt is back in my belly. ''Give him chance to explain, promise me you will.'' She nods. It bothers her more then she is showing us. This is sad morning, we talk and talk, have a lunch in as none of us wants to leave comfort of April's shop. Life is full of twist and turns. One day you are living your best life and next day you are jobless, no place to live and a person you thought loves you, kisses another girl. No thank you destiny, I will create my own happiness. Sitting here looking at my friends, it feels like we are saying goodbye forever. We experienced a lot of good and bad times, some of them I will remember forever. This all is way harder than I thought, ''Girls I better get going, it's a long drive.'' 

''Don't go Hazel.'' April says with her eyes wet, but she tries hard to keep the tears in. I smile at her, tear running down my own cheeks. ''I have to.'' Monica has been sobbing for hour, I think it's half me and half David, ''Why does is feels like end? We were meant to be happy after your birthday, talk about good time we had, instead we are saying goodbyes and I don't like this.'' She says and starts sobbing again. 

I take my bag. ''This is not end for us. It is a short break before another adventure begins.'' I wink at her. ''Will you walk me to my car?'' They nod, all quiet without word they walk me outside, I hug two of them at once, squeezing the life of them, none of us letting go. ''I love you, I will miss you more than you will ever know.'' Tears starts to run again but I don't care anymore, this is the end, no point to hold back. Monica blows her nose. ''Fuck. Hazel. We love you too.'' April squeezes my hand. ''Take care of yourself and text when you get home.'' I smile thought my wet eyes at them. ''I will.'' I sit inside my car, put seatbelt on, start engine and pull out from parking spot. I beep twice but don't look and drive away.

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