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In April's apartment and I head in straight for the shower. I  shower fast just in case they want to shower too. The feeling of washed hair and clean body after night of drinking is wonderful. ''Hazel hurry up ,eggs are ready for you.'' April shouts from behind the door.

''I'm coming.'' I shout back.

My stomach hurts and I'm glad girls prepared food for us. I take a seat and feel aroma from my plate. ''Thank you, It's smells delicious.'' I start digging into food without waiting for them. None of the two are saying anything, that's unusual, we always chat while eating. They must be tired from the weekend so I let them off.

I finish my eggs, I put the fork down. ''This was amazing. Thank you girlies.'' I rub my happy belly.

Monica looks at me and say. ''You are fed, start talking. We want to know everything.''

I take cup of tea into my hand. It's still very hot. In my head I try organizing all events happened to me since Friday. Theirs eyes are wide open with expectations I never knew I could fill. I think my friends are holding their breath so I start to talk .''It all started on Friday when Interview got cancelled.''

''We know that. Get to the hot stuff.'' Monica says.

I laugh. ''Ok. Pipe in bathroom broke, water was squirting everywhere. I didn't know who to call, I rang Eric, it was my last hope. He came. I turned the main water of. I couldn't stay in apartment because of no water. He suggested to stay in his. I didn't want to but I agreed in the end."

April puts her hands up. ''Hold on. You agreed just like that?'' She looks at Monica. "No way."

I give her my no kidding look. '' I was stressed I don't remember exactly, but I agreed. We went to his place, he ordered pizza and after we went to sleep. I wanted to sneak out of his apartment in the morning but he caught me. He made a breakfast and I got call from you. I wanted to book a hotel but he insisted on me to stay. He cancelled his plans with David and used me as a cover up, a date.'' Monica and April are not breathing , I ask them. ''Are you ok?''

Monica nods. ''Just keep going.''

I take a sip of my tea and continue.'' We went shopping but he had a work emergency and left. I went to his place, he got back and bought me flowers, beautiful roses. I hugged him and I cried, It was a moment, you know for me. Now talking about it I feel embarrassed."

"It's not embarrassing, why did he got you flowers?" Monica is scheming in her head.

"Before you come to conclusions why he got me flowers It's because he agreed to buy them for me if I go on a date with him. Later that night we went to his favourite restaurant, Alex was there. I got upset and angry, I kissed Eric to distract myself from the situation I was in.''

My two friends have their mouth fully open. ''I don't believe you.'' April says with her head moving. ''You don't kiss people just like that Hazel. I know you.''

Yeah she knows me well. I try to clarify the situation. ''It was to kiss Eric, or cry or make a scene. My emotions were getting the worst of me. I would end up embarrassed anyway. You know exactly what I mean. When I looked at Eric he become my distraction. I asked him if I can kiss him and he said yes. He moved my chair with me to be near him. That was smoking hot.'' It was sexy and hot and the short flirting before the kiss I will remember forever.

Monica starts clapping her hands. ''I knew my boy has it in him. Please tell me he fucked your brains out after.''

I lift my eyebrows. ''We are talking about me here, not you Monica.''

She shakes her head. ''I know but Eric is piece of cake every girl want to taste.''

This is becoming annoying. ''Eat him, taste him, do whatever you like with him Monica. Just stop this nonsense."

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