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Work in the morning is hard, I can't concentrate Eric occupied my head, his touch on my skin is still fresh. Last night he had to go back to Miami, the night without him felt empty, I miss him way more than I thought I would. He became part of me, of my world so fast that it still scares me sometimes. His smile, voice, touch, smell, I miss all of it. Thinking, my life started to change day after I meet him is crazy.

Shop is busy, normally I would love it, but not today. This must be my busiest day since I opened the shop. Orders keep coming in while walks in customers keep me on my toes. I could do with another person, but I can't afford it at the moment, business is not stable yet. Two model looking girls walk into the shop at lunch time. I get a bad feeling in my stomach, smile on their face not friendly, it's more like a smirk. Only God knows what their problem is. I walk over to the customer which waved at me. She stands beside table, looking at flowers not knowing what to pick, we have quick chat about her loving them all, I start to explain when I hear a bang behind me. I turn around and I see one of the model girls is lying on the floor.

''Are you ok?'' I give her hand to help her get up.
She takes it. ''Yes I'm, I slipped on the wet floor.'' I keep the floor dry all the time, it's very unlikely to find wet spot on the floor. ''Is there anything I can do for you.'' She looks fine, but I worry.

She smiles and answers. '' I'm fine, don't worry about it.'' Her friend smirks at me. ''See you around Flower girl.'' Before I can say anything, they leave the shop, weird feeling I had is back and is stronger than before. That was strange, but I have no time to think more to it. I wipe the floor dry again. I see bucket with roses out of its stand lying on the floor, I place it back to it stand, water leaked from it. Is hard to move bucket, how it fell out of it, I don't know. I get on with the rest of the day just fine but the bad feeling in my stomach doesn't go away.

I manage to survive all week in craziness of my shop, two more hours to closing and I get to go home and relax.
''Hazel Power?'' I pick my head up from till. ''Yes?'' Young boy hands me a big brown envelop. ''For you.'' He is a courier, and I didn't place any order.

''Thank you.'' I take it off him. He leaves, i take a knife and open it. I take out bunch of papers, reading first page I get sick in my stomach, the girl which felt here on Monday is suing me, it's an injury claim. She has a broken arm and trauma from her fall. I don't understand, I saw her leave, she was completely fine, this must be some kind of mistake. Reading more into it, she is looking for money, compensation from my shop. I need to get lawyer and I need him fast. I can't concentrate anymore; all orders are collected , I close shop early and go home. I have a bath to calm me down but is not helping, pain in my stomach is still there. I text Eric, see how he is getting on, maybe I can ask him for advice on what to do.

Hey stranger, I miss you. How are things over there?

I hold phone in my hand, Eric doesn't let me wait for long and replies.

Hi baby, things are worst then expected, I will ring you later. I miss you x

I will not bother him with my problems when he has so much on his own. We haven't talk since he got there, we text but problems in Miami keeps popping out, he has no time to spare. I'm not going to tell him about the claim, maybe when he comes back. I leave bath and put on my pyjama. I should have some cigarettes left from the time I stayed at Eric's; I look for them, it was a long time ago, but they should be somewhere. I look everywhere and when losing my hope to find them, I check my weekender bag and they are there inside zipped away. Relief goes thought my body, I take them out and walk to the kitchen and open the window. I sit on the windowsill, with a help of lighter I light cigarette and inhale nicotine into my lungs, I breath out, another inhale makes me feel dizzy. It feels good to smoke after today, I light up another one and enjoy the dizziness it gives me.

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