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Saturday, I don't like you today, you came to fast. I close the store at noon to have couple of hours to get ready. I have been anxious just thinking about tonight.  My feelings are all over place, I like Eric but I don't want a boyfriend. He is cute, nice, handsome and his smile makes my heart stop but I'm scared. I haven't seen him over a month, I don't know what to expect from tonight from him. I wish I didn't have to go, to face him for couple of hours.

Showered and washed I've been waiting for girls to come to help me to get ready. Loud noise comes from behind behind my door. ''Come in doors are open.''I shout while preparing coffee and some snacks for them and cup of tea for myself. In living room, I set it up plater with cheese, grapes, cracker, duck pate, olives, pesto, food always makes things better.

''Hazel is the party in your house?'' Monica says when she sees the food.

I walk with tray full of drinks to the living. ''I thought I will treat best girls in the world for being the best.'' I place everything on the table. April comes and hugs me, and Monica joins the hug. 

Monica pulls and points to the chair. ''Let's get started or someone will be very disappointed when you are not ready on time.'' She says, ''And I would not do that to Eric.''

I turn around. ''I'm really nervous, it makes me not want to go."

''Really?'' April lifts her eyebrows ''Why don't you want to go?''

I take my tea and drink good bit of it. ''Because I don't know what to expect from tonight, from Eric. If he expects something from me. We didn't speak  since he asked me to go with him and that  two weeks ago.'' 

April sits on the sofa across from me. ''Hazel you are overthinking tonight. You will have a great night. Eric is charming, he will make sure you are feeling good. And after you pulled that stunt on him when viewing your store, he is probably giving you space. He is smart man we can't take that from him.'' She grabs her bag and pulls something out. ''For your nerves I brought this bottle of prosecco.'' She adds with wink.

I'm really scared now. Last thing I need is to get tipsy before the event. ''I can't drink, he already saw me drunk and it wasn't pretty. '' And he held my hair while I hugged toilet and cried over Alex.

''Relax, it's only one bottle between three of us and plenty of time to digest it.'' April pours prosecco into glasses, hands each one glass.

Monica starts on my hair. She curls them into big waves and uses clips to hold them together.
''Any news about Anito ? David?'' I ask, Monica turns to me. ''Who is Anito?''

I chuckle, I call him that name in my head. ''That's short for Anthony. I want to hear all updates you kept for yourself.'' 

April laughs too. ''I love it, Anito, its cute. Thinks are good as they could be. He said he will come to see me in two weeks for a weekend. For now, I have to be happy with video calls and sex over the phone.''  She says and adds, ''Monica has news.''

She moved to do my make up, starts blending eyeshadows on my eyes. ''We had first official date yesterday.'' Her smile covers her face, she is very happy with no way of hiding it.

''When did you manage that? You worked until one a.m.'' I ask her.

''He rang and asked me to meet him for a lunch date. I couldn't believe when he said a date, we usually meet for a sex only, not a date. It was lovely, we spent hour together talking, eating and having fun. He said he likes me and wants to try more than just sex and I said yes.'' She says excited, ''By the way, he is coming to gala with his mother tonight, you will definitely meet him.'' 

I take my glass and drink whatever is left in it. ''Looking forward to meeting him and seeing what you see in him."

"Me Too . Can't wait to hear what you think." She says trying to sound not serious.
"I'm happy for you, I know you like him a lot. What about bedroom stuff, how is that going?" They had some misunderstanding, she kept what it was about for herself, but was very upset over it.

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