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Eric takes the menus of the waiter and he leaves. Anger took over me, I'm trying to stay composed as much as I can but it is hard. Pain spreads from my chest to all over my body, my head fogged with anger.
Calm, soft voice is asking me. ''Are you ok?''
I try to focus on Eric, I look into his eyes, full of worry and softness.
''That was my ex boyfriend,'' I say disappointed. I was looking forward to this dinner, even if I didn't want to admit it, but now I can't enjoy it, when he is here.
He nods with understanding. ''I kind of guess it.''

I need a distraction from Alex otherwise my head will be full of him for God's know how long and I don't need that in my life. Waiter comes to our table, ''Good evening. Are you ready to order?' Young boy smiling at us.

''Can I have double vodka and orange juice please?'' I ask as nice as possible.
Eric's orders after me but I don't listen, my head is not here. Our table is the last one in the window row with an outside view. Cars, people, few trees, Alex. Fuck him. I look at Eric and he is looking back at me. How can be one man I meet week ago be nice to me and the one man I spent over four years with so arrogant to me. Eric is beautiful inside out. I see now what other girls see. ''Hazel?'' He says my name. We are staring into each other eyes and I don't know if this is dream or a nightmare. When I see Alex staring at us I have enough, I need distraction from him.

''Can I kiss you?'' I ask Eric.
He looks shocked at first but that only last a moment. He leans over, licks his bottom lip and with sexy voice he asks, ''Why do you want to kiss me, Hazel?'' He didn't use this voice on me before. I'm melting like a butter on the pan. It's the voice he used on me now makes me wants to kiss him for different reasons. ''Because I need a distraction and you are happened to be a very handsome one.'' I say it honestly. 

''Distraction?'' With one smooth move he slides my chair with me sitting on it to his side. He takes my chin into his hand, slowly moves it up so our heads are at same level. Our eyes are locked into each other, ''Kiss me, Hazel.'' He tells me like he wants it too. I nod with biting my lover lip I slowly move my lips to touch his. I close my eyes, I can't believe I'm doing it. Our  lips touch, he is soft and warm, making my body alive. He doesn't try to take over and lets me kiss him my way. After few seconds I take his top lip into my mouth. He follows and takes my bottom lip into his mouth. I like the way his lips taste, the way he smells, the way he just is. Very slowly I move backwards, our lips slowly dividing. I open my eyes with a feeling of his moist still on my lips. He is looking not only into my eyes but into my soul too and that is scary. I touch my bottom lip, I don't feel pain I felt before. I kissed couple of boys before, but this was different, this kiss felt intimate, full of emotions. It was exciting and calming if that's possible for kiss to be.

''Here are your drinks.'' I didn't see the young waiter coming back to us, Im distracted with Eric.
''Vodka for you miss.'' He places the glass in front of me. ''Thank you.''
''Non-alcoholic beer for you sir.'' Eric thanks him and the boy walks off.

 I move with my chair to the original place because I want to kiss him again, not a good idea Hazel. I sit across from Eric, before this can get any weird, I say to him little embarrassed. ''Eric thank you.''

He smiles and with playful face he asks me. ''Did it work?''

I still think about kiss, I'm lost at his question. ''Sorry Eric. What did it work?'' I ask like student who doesn't listen to their teacher .

He has a full smile on his lips now. ''I'm asking you if I was good distraction for you?''

He probably can see it. I bite my bottom lip, ''You were the best distraction I could wish for.'' I'm honest with him, there is no one else I would kiss.

I take orange juice and pour it into vodka. He takes his beer and takes a sip. I drink nearly half of the glass in one go. He lift's his eyebrows ''Thirsty? ''

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