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"Gods I miss the speeder bikes," Kasia grumbled as she shifted on the back of the Blurrg to allow space for Din to sit in front of her. Every shift of the creature below her held the threat of a long fall—okay not too long, but still far enough to damage her pride or worse ruin her hair—and something in the animal's posture as Din had helped her to mount the beast seemed to hint at a high probability that the creature was already not very fond of her.

At least the Blurrgs don't come with an annoying prat like Toro attached, Din shot back silently as he hoisted himself up onto the animal, taking up position in front of Kasia.

Kuiil had brought only three Blurrgs from his planet, so while Cara and the Ugnaught each had their own, at Cara's suggestion it had been determined that Kasia and Din would share one. A rather transparent wingwoman move to be sure, but Kasia had merely rolled her eyes and, when Mando glanced away, shot the woman a grateful look.

The look had vanished a moment later, however, when, while Din and Kuiil spoke over the logistics of the impending meeting, the ex-shock trooper had spoken silently to the Eulentian woman.

So, you never told me, who made the first move—you or Mando?

At the sudden, silent question, Kasia's lips had turned downward as she cast Cara an unamused expression, hoping to silence the topic of conversation then and there. Cara, however, was unsurprisingly undeterred as she nodded thoughtfully at Kas.

You, then. I figured as much. Mando doesn't exactly strike me as a 'go and get it' sort of guy—unless that 'it' happens to come with a considerable bounty attached.

Though Kasia had huffed a small laugh and rolled her eyes before tuning in to Din and Kuiil's conversation earlier, now she couldn't help but smirk at the irony of Cara's statement. After all, when she had Din had first met, she did come with a considerable bounty attached.

Remember the plan, Din suddenly spoke to her silently, his words, though not condescending, a firm reminder of what they were about to do and who they were to meet again. When we see Karga, read his mind and plan for the double-cross. If it's too well laid out, then we bail. And if you think we can handle it... well, then we will.

Kasia rolled her eyes and pinched his side. "I know the plan, nie'we."

The Mandalorian gave a small chuckle in response but didn't respond, merely nodding towards where Cara and Kuiil sat mounted upon their respective Blurrgs, before hitting the switch on his wrist control panel to open the blast doors to the ship.

Immediately, light poured in from the planet beyond, and Kasia blinked rapidly to clear her vision as the Blurrgs began to descend the rail of the Razor Crest. Her eyes caught on the four figures standing a short way away, and Kasia instantly recognized Greef Karga at the front of the group. She didn't quite recognize the other three, but a quick scan of their figures and clothes indicated that they too were bounty hunters, looking to provide their mercenary services for whatever number of credits they were offered.

"Sorry for the remote rendezvous, Mando," Greef Karga apologized as he approached where the three Blurrgs as well as the child's cradle had halted, "but things have gotten complicated since you were last here." He spoke with a soft laugh in his voice, as though he and Mando were the best of friends, and the aforementioned complications did not include ex-empire warlords and impending betrayals.

As Karga continued to speak, Kas allowed herself to zone out, the words about introductions and security details fading into the background as Kasia wadded into the murky waters of Greef Karga's subconscious, sifting through thoughts and memories as though she were a prospector on the hunt for valuable gems.

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