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The moment that the Mandalorian holding her in his arms began to move, Kasia finally spoke.

"Don't move," she demanded, her eyes still closed as she tightened her arms around Din's waist, "You're comfortable."

He had been awake for some time now, as had she, though they both had pretended to be sound asleep. He of course had not known she was fast awake, whereas she had been aware of his consciousness for the last ten minutes.

Now he stilled and peered down at her with what Kasia could imagine to be wide chocolate brown eyes. How long have you been awake? he asked and Kasia could feel as embarrassment washed over him.

She snuggled into his chest, eyes still closed against the blaring sun overhead, "Long enough to feel you staring down at me like a creep, saen'en," she teased.

You're the one who pretended to be asleep and won't let me go, he pointed out.

"It's cause you're like a fucking furnace and I'm cold," Kas answered, smiling into his chest. "Besides you're comfortable."

Kasia couldn't help but chuckle slightly as she felt his heart jump and a wave of satisfaction washed over him. He said nothing for a few moments before sighing. Five more minutes.

Beaming, Kasia merely hugged the child closer to her chest as she tucked her head into his shoulder. "Ten minutes it is, saen'en."


As she walked between Din, Cara, and the child, Kuiil trailing on the lone Blurrg who had survived the prior night's attack, Kas eyed Greef Karga and his bounty hunters who strolled a few paces ahead. She could sense the nervous energy of the hunters and Karga's growing uncertainty—it was almost time for the double-cross.

"You think they're having second thoughts?" Cara mused aloud, indicating the trio. Both she and Mando discretely glanced towards Kasia.

The girl nodded. "It's almost time," was all she said.

Din glanced back at the child's cradle before peering back towards Kas. How soon is 'almost?'

She shrugged. "Within the next thirty minutes probably? Kinda hard to pin down when all they have is a location which I unfortunately don't know how far we are from, seeing as everything on this shit planet looks the same."

At the vague information, Din gave a small noise of consideration before he glanced around Kas and nodded this time to Cara. "We need your eyes."

"I'm watching," was all the ex-shock trooper responded.

Kasia patted Din on his shoulder pad. "Don't worry Mando, we'll cover your ass."

He tossed her a flat look. I feel so safe.

Her fiendish grin only grew. "I do love a man who uses sarcasm properly," she announced aloud as she strolled forward, throwing a wink at the Mandalorian over her shoulder.

Good to know. I'll refrain from using it in the future.

The group passed the next twenty minutes in casual conversation, and sometime during the course of that period, Karga had wormed his way to stand between Cara and Kas, his men falling into rank behind the rest of the group. The hair on the back of her neck tingled as she suddenly began to recognize the location they approached, as she felt the increasing duplicity of the men behind her and the conflict in the man to her left.

Casually, Kas squeezed Din's hand once before dropping it. It's time.

Subtly, the Mandalorian reached for his blasters, resting his palms on their handles as he readied for the impending conflict. A nod over her shoulder towards Cara had the woman do the same.

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