Part 21

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Wednesday Afternoon soon came around, the day of Lizzie's drama society Christmas do which I really wasn't the most enthusiastic about going to. It wasn't that I didn't want to do something for Lizzie because I did everything I could for her, It was more the fact that it was a formal event which I always felt awkward and never mind the fact I only knew Lizzie who was going.

We had both decided to get ready in my room after having a chilled morning to ourselves watching a series that Lizzie had found. After a good binge session we began to get ready, As I gazed into the mirror that leant against my wall, I couldn't help but wonder just what kind of a party it was going to turn out to be.

'Hey what are you getting yourself worked out about?' Lizzie walked out of my bathroom after having a shower after me.

'Nothing I am just a bit tired' I smiled, Lizzie continued to walk over to me in a robe we had brought together for her to keep in my room for the amount of time she stayed over. Lizzie continued to walk over to me as the whole time she was in the shower all I had done was dry my hair. She straddled my lap as I sat in my desk chair.

'Ing, I can tell there's something, when we normally go out you are ready before I get out shower' She played her fingers through my freshly dried hair as I held her by her hips keeping her on my lap.

'New people and it being formal, I think I am just getting nervous' Admitted as I lead my head on her shoulder.

'Hey the formal bit only for a couple of hours and then we will be going out like a normal night out, you normal enjoy them' She cupped my face making me look up at her as she gave me reassurance. I turned my head so I could kiss the palms of her hands before picking her up to start getting ready.

The two of us sat onthe floor in front of my mirror doing our hair and make-up. Lizzie brushed my hair and carefully straighten it with a flat iron, each part she did she carefully laid the hot hair back on my skin. We occasionally shared glances and smiles as we silently continued to get ready. Once hair and make up was sorted we both changed into out outfits. Lizzie looked perfect in a fitted black dress that showed everything off perfectly, the black of her dress coordinated perfectly with my dark green jumpsuit.

'Can you zip me up?' I asked as I turned my back to Lizzie to do my outfit up.

I turned back around to see Lizzie biting her lip through her smile as she looked at my finished look. This look is what I imagine I look every time I see Lizzie, even when she has just woken up. In awe.

'Is this the look I was meant to go for?' I questioned as I straightened the trouser part of my jumpsuit out.

'You look amazing, My beautiful girlfriend' Lizzie announced which gave me a sense of confidence about this event.

'Are we ready to leave then?' I asked knowing the event started soon but the drama society were meeting in where they have have their weekly meetings first before going to the venue.

'Yes I just need to grab my phone from the kitchen' Lizzie replied as we headed out my bedroom door and towards the kitchen.

'Wow Lizzie you look amazing!' I heard the girls exclaim as Lizzie walked into the kitchen first I trailed behind her slowly as I was checking I had everything I needed in my little clutch.

'And who the heck is that?!' Naomi joked as I walked in, it wasn't very often I went all out with make up and a nice outfit. I rolled my eyes at her before I received compliments from my other two flatmates.

'Are you guys coming to meet us later when we go to the clubs?' Lizzie asked which gave me a slight feeling of relief as I knew if I wasn't settling around Lizzie's drama friends then my flatmates would be there for the second half of the evening. They all agreed to meet us later on once I have texted them when the formal part finishes.

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