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  " Uhmm!, nothing, I was just going home" Dylan answered
  "Do you have to be creepy about going home" I huffed as I turned and continued going home
  He said nothing in answer but just kept following me.
   I turned again getting suspicious, "don't you know the way to your house?" I asked him
   "Of course I do, it's around a corner upfront"
   I looked at him for sometime and then turned back to the road.
  We were almost at my house when I heard the breaking of a twig nearby. I jumped as I turned to him, "did you hear that?"
  But I didn't need to ask, he was already looking around the environment. He suddenly stopped as if he saw what had made the noise.

He turned towards me as someone in a dark hoodie like the one I had seen in the hallway of the college building came of the woods. "Run to your house and don't look back" he stated firmly as he turned back to the creature.

  I was still standing there shivering when he shouted the statement again, that spurred me into action and I took off. I was about turning a bend when I defied Dylan's instructions and looked back. My breath caught in my throat, the certain someone had taken of the hoodie and was staring at Dylan menacingly.

  I wouldn't call it an human even though it was in human form, it's nails were like that of an animal and his eyes as red as blood. It started advancing towards Dylan and I stopped thinking.

I ran back to him, grabbed his arms and dragged him with me as I took off again this time not looking back but the creature was running after us, his footsteps telling us he was a step behind us.

  Not even knowing what was happening anymore, I found myself in Dylan's arms within seconds as he picked me up and started running at the speed of light. I was amazed at how fast he was running and everything turned blurry.

  Like two minutes later, he entered a certain house and dropped me while moving around the house so fast and locking the doors. He then picked me up again like I had no legs and ran towards a door and inside it. As we moved, it felt like we were moving downwards, so I guessed we were going to the basement. He entered another door and locked it firmly before finally dropping me.

  He motioned me to be quiet and still and I complied without question. Within a minute, we heard footsteps on top of the room and around. My heart was in my mouth and it took all in me to keep still.

  After about thirty minutes, everywhere became quiet and I saw him physically relax. He turned to me and fixed me with the most scariest glare in the planet.
   "I remember telling you to run, what did you think you were doing?" He said calmly and that made him even more scary
  "I don't know, I was scared and didn't know what to do"
  "You knew what to do, run!"
  "But I couldn't leave you like that, how could you have faced such a thing?, It was too dangerous"
   That actually kept him quiet and he turned away from me.

Then I asked a question that had been bothering me since he carried me and ran.
  "How were you able to run so fast?"
  "Don't ask questions, you wouldn't want to know"
  "But I do want to know......." I drawled the last word as he fixed me with another stare. So I let it go at least for the moment.

  I stood up from the chair I had been sitting on and headed to the door.
   "And where do you think you're going?" He asked as I came to a halt
   "Home of course, where else?" I asked sarcastically
   "You can't go home tonight" he stated
   "And why is that"
   "That thing may still be roaming around"
   "I don't really care, I don't even know you except the fact that you are my partner for chemistry class this year in college. You may even be worse than what is roaming about and you want me to stay the night in the middle of nowhere with you, I don't think so!" I ranted as I continued towards the door

He grabbed my arm, "Do you want to get killed?, Cause if you are thinking you would find mercy in that thing, you better change your mindset"
  I dragged my arm from his not only because it was tight but because it was cold. "However it is, am not staying here with you"
  "Then I would leave this place for you"
  "I don't want to stay....." I drawled out again as some certain dizziness started taking over me. I tried blinking my eyes but it won't stay open. I turned to him and saw him looking at me strangely.

  As my vision started getting blurry, I asked another question.
   "What have you done to me?"

  He just kept mute and within a minute, it was all blackout. I felt him catch me as I slumped towards the ground.

  I didn't dream of anything, it was just blackout.


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