22 13 5

   Mia's pov
   We drove down the country road as we headed back to our house from the main city of London. My parents had decided to live a little far from the bustle of the London city and had purchased a country house in a little town. The high school which I attended there was not so big but contained friendly students. It was a pity though that we would be staying with my aunt in the London city as my parents had another medical trip to Spain in about a month. That's before the beginning of my last year in high school.

    I adjusted my sitting position on the seat in the back of the car as my parents talked about their medical trip. My brother was however engrossed in the video game he was playing and therefore payed little attention to my parents conversation. I however, with nothing to do listened in on their conversation and found out the fact that they would be staying in Spain for a year.

    "Mum!, You don't mean that, do you?" I asked as I barged in on their conversation.
    "What is it, dear?" Mum asked in answer as she turned to look at me from the front seat where she was sitted with my father.
    "You just mentioned staying in Spain for a year. You never mentioned that to us!"
     "We meant to" my dad said before my mum could give an answer
     "I don't believe that. Would you even be around for my graduation?" I asked angrily
      "Of course, you know we would"
      "But that's what you always say right before you miss an important event. During Evan's play in tenth grade, you promised to come see it but called after the play saying you couldn't come even though you guys were in London at the time"
       "But we explained what had happened, we were both held in an important surgery" my dad answered turning from the road to give me an apologetic smile
      "You could have told another doctor to take over. For the better parts of our life, you've always been absent with being on a medical trip everytime" I said in argument
     My mum sighed in frustration and left the explaining to my dad while turning forward and picking up her phone. I folded my arms angrily and stole a glance at my brother who was currently kicking himself for failing the video game. He removed his headphone and saw me looking at him. He saw the angry frown on my face and knew instantly that we were having an argument. So I wasn't surprised when he put his headphone on back and started another round of game. He hated arguments.

    I turned from him in time to see a truck or should I say trailer coming from afar. Something was wrong with it, definitely wrong because it was moving from side to side like it had lost balance. I tuned out on the explanation of my dad as I tried figuring what was wrong with the truck as it came closer.
    My dad chose that my moment to look back at me to see if I was following his explanation and it was at that point in time I understood what was wrong with the truck. It had lost its brake. I screamed a warning to my dad but it was too late.

   The truck hit the side of the car where my brother was seated and the force threw him to my side of the car making the car swerve dangerously. My dad was doing his best to control the car which was swerving dangerously to the edge. The truck hit the car again and I stared in horror as the car toppled over the edge of the road falling down the hill. The truck followed the car over the edge and toppled on the front part of the car that was already shattered and scraped in different ways.

    I stirred after a minute of temporary unconsciousness and found out that I couldn't move my leg. I stared around me groggily while feeling dizzy. Am guessing something had hit my head. As I looked on trying to figure out which position I was, i noticed that we were upside down and that my brother wasn't in the car. My heart lurched just thinking that something bad may have happened to him. I looked out the broken window and breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of my brother some yards away from the car but it was short-lived at the sight of him unmoving.

     His eyes was wide open looking directly at me but he was looking completely lifeless. I tried forcing my way out of the car but it was like trying to move a building from wherever the hell my leg was. I fell back down from the forced sitting position and tried forcing the dizziness from my sight but after sometime my eyes closed in unconsciousness while looking at my brother's supposedly lifeless body.


     I gasped awake from the dream I had just dreamt and tried pushing the image that had haunted me for years away from my mind. The image of my brother looking directly at me but looking lifeless. I always blamed myself for starting that conversation, maybe if I hadn't, my dad would have noticed the truck earlier and avoided it. Instead, it had cost me the life of my brother. I looked around me trying to decipher where I was but it took me a moment to know that this wasn't my room nor house.

   As if on cue, the door opened revealing Dylan as he walked into the room. He was wearing a thin singlet and looking gorgeous but I instantly felt foolish to be thinking that after what had happened.
    'What had happened' I asked myself while racking my brain until I stumbled upon the information that I had been attacked by a dangerous person at the party.
       "WAIT!!!!, Where is Bailey?"
      "She's alright and waiting for you in the living room" Dylan said not looking at me and I realised I had asked that aloud. He turned to look at me and I sank deeper if that is possible into the bed. He approached the bed menacingly and I almost shivered if not for the fact I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

    "What were you thinking?" He asked and I sat up
     "What do you mean?" I questioned in return
      "Why did you go into the woods alone?"
       "I didn't.........."
       "Didn't you know that was dangerous. You yourself knew some dangerous people were running around and you still gullibly left the place where people were" he said not allowing me to finish my statement.
     I tuned out on him as I saw something peculiar on my neck as I looked at a nearby mirror.

      "What happened to my neck??" I said as I cut him off.


   Hey guys I know this is coming late but I hope you enjoyed the chapter?????

    Question: what do you think happened to Mia??

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