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Dylan's pov

    I combed my hair with my fingers as I thought of what to do. I hadn't mean to do that but I didn't want her getting killed too. Now I don't know how to explain myself or what happened tonight to her when she wakes up from the slumber I had put her to.

   I paced around the house, racking my brain for a way out. First her friend, I have to contact her and tell her not to look for Mia. I went towards where I had placed her on a couch and paused for a moment staring at her face. She's beautiful just like my mum. Her hair was splayed on the armrest of the couch and some strays framed her face.

  I shook my head as I fought that thought out of my head. I picked her bag from the floor and rummaged through it till I found her phone. I turned on the phone only to find a pattern structure.
     'ugh' I groaned
I threw the phone on another chair and kept on pacing.

   "How had they found me so quick?" I asked myself
Athan Nikolaevich and his people have been after me since I escaped from them the day they massacred every member of my family in order to be the leader of our vampire clan. But being a leader came with getting the ring. That ring was what symbolised power. Without it, he was just a backing dog and I was in possession of that ring.

   I couldn't give it to them. If I did everything my parents had fought for and even died for will all come to nought. And if athan could get a hold of that ring, chaos would break loose and fill the whole earth cause then he would be able to lead the rest of the five families who had no self control and killed humans for their blood.

   Now he has found me and had sent one of his minions to fight me. Normally, I would run but now I was determined not to run, I would stay and fight with my last breath the cause my parents had begun.

    I looked at Mia again, she was getting to know things she wasn't supposed to and that could kill her. She was innocent and oblivious of what I had brought to this town. As I kept looking at her, my eyes strayed to her neck and I jumped. Her pulse was strong and I could hear it. It was messing with my senses and my eyes were getting red.

     I turned from that delicious sight and rushed out of the room. Running to the main floor from the basement, I  went into the kitchen to get a cup of water. The residue of the sounds of her pulse were still beating in my ear. I closed my eyes tightly and fought the urge to go back down there and sink my teeth right into that gorgeous neck.

    Minutes later, I calmed down and went into my room. I went into the closet and cleared a spot where I had placed some boxes on top to keep it hidden in case it got ransacked. I touched the wooden floor until I felt roughness in that spot. I dipped my hand in and brought out the plank, and the next and next until I got to the space within the floor. There was a box inside and it contained the ring.

    I took the box, went into the bedroom and sat down on the bed. I opened the box and brought out the ring. It was silver set off with an emerald stone. According to what my father mostly said, it was the emerald that contained most of the power. It was also said that it could protect someone from evil when it is in the right person's hand. Though I had never tried it cause I always kept it hidden.

    As I sat there staring at the ring, my mind drifted to the day I had come home and met our house scattered and all my dear ones murdered.


   The horror was clear in my eyes as day. That night I had decided to take a walk in the woods cause I couldn't sleep. I had roamed the forest that night sitting and walking. I was going back home and was close to my house when I smelled blood. My senses immediately went on alert and my eyes turned red. I stood in that position and was looking around trying to find what was wrong when I heard the scream. It was loud and clear and I knew who owned that voice.

    "Dawn!!" I muttered as I started running to the house. On getting there, my breath caught in my throat when I saw my parents, both of them on the floor with silver daggers buried deep in their chest and my sister missing.   I ran past them and went through the whole house, I still had to find Dawn but I came up with nothing. 'was she dead?' I asked myself.

     They had to know I was still alive so I had to run. I went into my father's office and opened a safe burrowed deep in the wall.
It contained the box containing the ring.

   My father had suspected that Athan would make a move to take the ring so he had told me where it was and the lock combination. I took the box and went back into the living room, looked at my mother one last time with tears in my eyes before going out the door.

     As I went out the door, the sound of footsteps approaching made me look around carefully. I didn't want them catching me by surprise. As I continued looking around, my eyes met the red eyes of another person. I stopped short and we looked at each other daring the other to move. Immediately he took a step in my direction, I turned and ran.

    That was when the running and hiding began. And that was why I decided to come back to this house, the house of my parents, where it all started to end it.


    I returned the ring into the box and the box into the space making sure everything is covered up. Then I went into the kitchen to whip something up, it was already 4am, yeah time moves fast and she would soon be up.

   The sound of footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement made me sigh. Time for explanation.

   So help me God.


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