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    Dylan's pov

       'Cassius is alive' that was all I could think of. Though I wasn't sure yet, but the description Mia had given me fitted him so well, I just hope he's the one, then dealing with Athan would be a lot easier.

    Cassius was and is still our family guardian. He had been for years before I was born by my mother. 'Yes' I was born not risen from the grave and that's how it has been for centuries. Though I didn't know who had first started the giving birth technique, maybe the greatest of my greatest grandfathers, but my parents had been born vampires too.
      I walked down the hall of the college building as I headed towards the lab, we were doing a chemistry experiment today, so I was wearing a labcoat which I didn't feel very comfortable with, but I had no choice. I got to the door of the chemistry lab and entered.

    We were doing the experiment with each of our partners and even though I badly wanted to avoid Mia in order to keep her safe and avoid questions, there was nothing I could do about it. I headed to where Mia was in the lab and ignored her presence. She too ignored me and I felt relief as well as disappointment, I was kinda getting used to her company even though it was dangerous for both of us.

     "Today, we would be experimenting on the synthesis of isopentyl acetate." Mr McKenzie's voice brought me out of my reverie.
     "But before we continue, ladies with long hair, please pack your hair securely to the back. Have always told you this, but it seems to always fall on deaf ears" he continued.

    I turned to look at Mia and saw her packing her hair in a way i found  mesmerizing. I watched her as she packed her hair and even after she finished I was still looking at her until......
      "What are you looking at?" She asked
      "Oh!, Nothing" I answered as I turned from her. Idiotic of me to have been watching her. I should not even be looking at her at all, I should keep my distance and that's what I would do.

      "Okay then, let's continue. All of you are with your bottom flask, so place 15ml of isopentyl alcohol in the flask and add 20ml of glacial acetic acid" Mr McKenzie said as we followed his instructions.

    I took my subjects serious even though am on the run. I was always praised for my high IQ even when my parents were alive and I loved science. So therefore, I was lost to everything around me as the lecturer gave instructions on how to achieve our experiment.


   An hour later, we were through with the chemistry practical and I must confess that I enjoyed it even though I wouldn't say it to another person. I went for the next lecture after washing my hands from chemicals and alcohol and few lectures later, I was done with college for that day.

    I left the college building thinking of what to do when I overheard some dudes mentioning a party at Ruby's house, it must be the party she had invited me to earlier. They were saying all their plans for different ladies, but all I could think was there was a party and if Athan got wind of it, there may be a disaster. I had to do something, I just didn't know what.

    Athan and his minions had no discipline when it came to satisfying their need which is blood. They would kill a human without thinking twice if the urge came on them wherever they were.

    I went through the gates of Everest college and walked through the woods heading to my home, the home my parents had lived in a hundred years ago before they got killed. I was surprised when I arrived here and saw the house the way it was even though the town was already modernized. I had just done a little cleaning and the house was ready for me to live in.

    I was so engrossed in my thoughts, I didn't notice the person behind me and that was quite unlike me. But the sound of a breaking twig so close by snapped me out of my reverie. I turned so fast that I nearly fell and was already preparing for a fight, but when I saw who it was, a smile broke out on my face and I felt peace for the first time in a long time.

    I pulled the person into a hug so tight, I thought he would break but I didn't care, i was too excited to see him. I pulled back from the hug, "Cassius, oh my God, am so happy to see you!!!!!" I shouted out because of my happiness.
    "Yeah Cruz, I am so happy to see you too"
    "Don't call me Cruz, am known as Dylan around here"
    "Oh really, I would have a hard time remembering that. However, leaving that aside, we have a lot of things to talk about"
     "I agree but first, you have a lot to tell me too. Like, 'how did you escape from Athan that night?', "I thought you were dead?", "What of Dawn?, Have you heard anything about her?"
     "You would have to ask one by one and I would answer all your questions. Let's go to your house"
      "Okay" I said and lead the way to the house.
       "Wait a minute, this was your parents house?" He said as we arrived in front of the house.
       "Yeah, I got here some weeks ago, four weeks to be precise and when I got here I was surprised to still see the house standing and that no one had discovered it"
       "Wonderful" he stated and we entered into the house. He sat on a couch in the living room and I went to bring him water even though he said he didn't need one, but I was too excited to listen.

      I sat beside him and he turned to me with a serious expression which he always used when he wanted to ask a serious question, so I waited but I didn't expect what came from his mouth next.
         "Who is the girl?"


         Hey guys, sorry for not updating sooner. However, here it is, hope you liked it?

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