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Mia's pov

I walked angrily through the woods ignoring Bailey's yell for me to slow down and wait for her. I couldn't believe he had done that and just to avoid a question. The kiss had been really good and for a strange person like Dylan, I hadn't even expected him to know how to hug someone talkless of a kiss. I shook my head trying to get the memory of the kiss out of my head and successfully started thinking about another thing.

Dylan had said a dog bite and I knew for sure it was a lie. Not only did it sound ridiculous but his constant averting of eyes and stammering gave him away. He was hiding something from me and I wonder what can be worse than those people who already follow him around seeking every opportunity to kill him. I had to find out what had really happened and what he and those people are.

I got to the house me and bailey lived in and walked in after unlocking the door. The house where I had woken up looked pretty big and I couldn't help wondering if it was dylan's or........., I don't even know, I don't really know anything anymore.

I walked straight up to my room and shut the door indicating to Bailey that I needed some privacy. It's not like she's involved in whatever the hell am involved in, it's just I need space and time to figure out what to do. Minutes later, I heard the front door being opened and assumed it was bailey, so I decided to take a shower. I opened the door to my room and yelled down the stairs announcing to bailey that I wanted to take a shower. I then shut the door back.

I went into the adjoining bathroom in my room and stripped down before stepping into the shower. I washed away the stress of the few last days and didn't know when the kiss slipped back into memory. I unconsciously touched my lips and sighed. One thing he didn't know and I wouldn't tell him is that that was my first kiss and I hadn't bargained that it would be used as a medium to shut me up.

I finished up and tied a towel round my body before stepping back into my room. I nearly screamed when I found bailey in my room, sitting on my bed
"Gosh! Why didn't you announce your presence?, You scared me!" I said
"Well you deserve it. Why didn't you wait for me?"
"Am sorry. I just needed some space to think"
"Really!, About what?" She asked
"About a lot of things. Come to think of it, where did you find me and what did Dylan tell you about happened to me?"
"Well, I didn't see you around in the party, so I decided to come outside to check for you but still didn't see you. I went further and saw you sleeping in Dylan's arms, or so it looked. I asked what had happened and he said a dog bit you and that he had given you some anesthetic which made you sleep off" she said

"Wait!, He told you it was a dog bite?"
"Yeah, why?"
"And you believed him?"
"Yeah......, is there a reason why I shouldn't?"
"Yeah, a lot of things don't add up. One, dogs don't bite on the neck, it's mostly the leg. Two, I haven't seen dogs around here since we moved here one and a half years ago. Three, I don't really trust Dylan"
"Okay, now that you say it, it doesn't really make sense. Then what do you think happened to you?" She asked
"I don't really know too and even though he's denying this, I vaguely remember seeing those dangerous creatures I always told you about. And I know he's hiding something" I said but because I suddenly remembered the kiss, my cheeks started heating up.
"Why are you blushing?" Bailey asks suddenly
"Uh!, Am not blushing!" I denied and quickly changed the subject
"Am thinking of doing something" I said to Bailey
"And what's that?"
"Am going to the bookshop. I believe I would get some answers there"
"Well then. Best of luck!"
"Thank you" I said sarcastically.

I turned to my closet and started the daily task of rummaging through to find suitable clothing. I was still looking through, when I heard a sudden clang like the sound of a spoon hitting the floor. I turned to Bailey to see her pressing away on her phone and probably chatting with Liam.
"Didn't you hear that?" I asked her
"Hear what?"
"Don't tell me you didn't hear it. It was loud enough, like the sound of a spoon falling to the floor"
"Are you sure about that because I didn't hear anything and by the way, there's no spoon here"
"Uhm, okay" I said and turned back to the closet. Maybe I was just hallucinating.
I finally found a comfortable clothing of jean trousers and a plain top and changed into them. I put on my outdoor slippers and walked out of my room.
"Am already going"
"Okay, bye"
"Bye" I said and went down the stairs. I branched at the kitchen for a glass of water and got a cup from the cupboard. I walked to the fridge to get a bottle of water and stopped dead at the sight of a spoon on the floor near the fridge. I bent to pick it up and couldn't help staring at it.

"How did I hear that?, There was no way I could have heard the sound from my room upstairs." I thought to myself.

       "What is happening to me?"

     Hey there, thanks for reading this chapter and Pls don't forget to vote and leave as many comment as you wish.

    Question: how do you think Mia would react to the fact that she is turning into a vampire???

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