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   Mia's pov

    I stared in disbelief at my beloved friend as she got ready for a party at Ruby's. Till now I still wondered what she gained from all these parties, it's not as if it adds anything meaningful to her life but she always claims it's fun.

     "You are not serious about going to this party, are you?, Not after telling you my experience with some dangerous people!" I said to her willing her to take this matter seriously
    "Babe, it's not as if am not taking you serious or anything like that, it's just......, Nothing is going to stop me from having fun, talkless of some dangerous creatures I don't even know about or have seen. So....."
    I scoffed angrily, "really!, Something you haven't seen!, Must you see before you believe?"
    "I guess" she stated and I just stared at her speechless. I watched her as she put on some short black gown that brought out her gorgeous curves, giving her the look of some sexy queen. No wonder guys chased after her right after Ruby. Why people even chased Ruby in the first place was because of the money, not really her looks. Not that she isn't beautiful or anything like that, she's actually really gorgeous as well as beautiful but the money complimented her beauty.

    She sat down in front of the dresser in her room and started putting on some makeup. She started with foundation and before I could think twice or stop myself, I blurted out....

       "Am going to the party with you!"

    I expected some reaction from her but she continued with putting on her foundation.
    "Didn't you hear me?" I asked her angrily.
    She turned to me with an expression on her face I couldn't decipher. "Wait..!, Were you serious about it?"
    "Of course!, Why would I say it if I wasn't serious about it"
    "Wait!, You are really serious. Mia the nerd wants to go to a party!!"
    "Stop saying it like I said I want to commit suicide but actually going to that party is committing suicide but I won't let you go to a party with some things running around"
    "Whatever, since my begging you didn't bring you to a party, I guess I would start acting more reckless so you can come to parties with me" she said with a wide smile on her face and I couldn't help smiling back.

    "So what would you wear?" She asked as she turned back to face her mirror making the smile die on my face as I remembered that I had to go to a party.
    "I would wear my favorite jumpsuit" I stated
    She turned back to me again with an expression of disbelief on her face.
    "You don't mean it, you certainly can't wear that cloth I wouldn't even wear around the house to a party"
    "Well that's your problem. I've made up my mind to wear that and it's not even as if am going to party, am going there to keep a watch on you and drag you out the minute I smell danger"
    "Whatever" she said and faced her mirror again applying some mascara to her face.

   I stood up from her bed where I had been sitting on and went to my room. I dug in my closet and brought out my favorite jumpsuit. It was pink and it was reaching to my ankles. It was also armless and it had like a kind of elastic at the waist making my waist small. Apart from that it was comfortable on my skin and that's why I really loved it. I put it on and packed my hair into a messy ponytail. I didn't bother with makeup or heels. I put on my flat shoes which was comfortable as well. I went out of my room as Bailey was coming out of hers and I stopped short.

    Sexy queen was an understatement, more like sexy goddess. It always baffled me why she always dress gorgeous, i mean it's not like she's going to a very important place, just a party. She stopped short as well staring at my dressing like I was an alien, then she shook her head.
      "You really baffle me" she said and went to the living room. Just as well then, I said in my mind, we both baffle each other. I followed her and exactly 7pm, Liam drove to the front of the house, his headlight announcing his arrival. She checked herself in her hand mirror one more time before tucking it into her already filled up bag and headed to the door. We came out just as Liam got down from his car. It was a black sports car which was looking sleek and efficient. I wasn't surprised though, he was just as stinkingly rich as Adams, the king of Everest college.

    Bailey walked gingerly to meet Liam and they hugged and kissed as I locked the door. After locking the door, I headed to where they were still kissing and announced myself.
     "Can we start moving, please?"
     They broke apart and the look of confusion on Liam's face was so evident as I entered the car.
     "Wait!, why is she getting into the car? He asked Bailey
     "Oh!, She wants to go to the party all in the name of protecting me" she answered and got into the front seat of his car
     The look on his face was incredulous but he waved it off and got into the driver's seat. He started the car and within minutes we were already headed to the party.

   They talked as he drived and I put on my headphones playing friends by marshmallows but my mind wasn't on the song, it was busy with the thinking of Dylan. Within thirty minutes, we arrived at the party and I was amazed at the amount of people there, I could say the whole college and some people I didn't recognize. The porch was filled with people doing different sort of things ranging from getting drunk to making out. A rock music was playing loudly and it was a miracle my ear hadn't burst.

    We all got down from the car and I sticked close to Bailey's side as we moved towards the front porch. Liam had parked behind line of cars which filled the street, so we had to walk down to the house. On getting there, I couldn't shake off the stares hitting me from all angles, sure I had never gone to a party but they could quit with the staring. We went up the front porch and bailey pushed open the door. My jaws fell open as I stared at the sight In front of me, "THIS IS A CLUBHOUSE!!!!" i screamed in my mind. The living room was filled with bodies, human beings that were dancing, drinking, making out and doing a whole lot of other things that I wouldn't want to comprehend. I didn't realize I was holding on tightly to bailey until....

    "Chillax, you're going to break my arm" she said.
    "What did you say?" I screamed above the resounding noise
     "I said you're going to break my arm" she screamed out.
    I looked at where I was holding her and blushed slightly out of embarrassment.
    " Oh!, Sorry!" I said and released her arm from my iron grip.
     "You know what, just relax and mix with people, don't act stiff" she screamed above the noise as liam pulled her away. I watched in horror as she got lost in the crowd and I was left alone.

   I shifted from foot to foot feeling uncomfortable with all the music and all the bodies crowded in one space. I stood on that same spot and was scanning the room without knowing it until I spotted a face before I knew I was looking around. The person was wearing a hoodie and wasn't dancing or anything he was just stationed in an area also looking around and then..........  Our eyes clashed. He looked at me for a minute or two before he averted his eyes. I kept looking at him trying to recall who he was because he looked sort of familiar but I came up with nothing.

   I looked at him again in time to see him move away. He kept moving through the crowd and I was sure he was headed somewhere, so I followed. I made sure I kept track of him as I pushed through the bodies. He went through a door I guess led to the back porch and I followed through but was surprised when I didn't see anyone. I went further from the door and into the night but stopped when I felt my back hairs rise.
     I turned back abruptly and screamed at the red eyes staring straight into mine.


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